final fish list


i just got my 90 gallon tank and when my tank cycles i would like to get these fish
(Note: when i get the fish once they get about medium size i am going to sell them to my lfs and get babys)
1- yellow tang
2- blue tang
3 - sailfin tang
4- powder blue tang
5 - heniocous butterfly
6- dwarf zebra lionfish
7- flame angelfish
8- corral beauty anglefish


Originally Posted by Seattle
I think that may be 2 many tangs try to take 1 or 2 off the stocklist

ok cuz i was thinking the same thing thanks so i decided if i was going to take out one it would be the blue tang so ill take that one out thank you


Originally Posted by Seattle
Wait nvm.about the butterflies.I think you could possibly manage to keep 3 tangs in a 90,might want to replace the Powder Blue with something like a Goldrim Tang,because the powder blue might make 2 much bioload.

ok but i think i am getting a powder blue cuz its one of my favs and if i dont get that i dont think i want a tank lol so im def getting that


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
i just got my 90 gallon tank and when my tank cycles i would like to get these fish
(Note: when i get the fish once they get about medium size i am going to sell them to my lfs and get babys)
1- yellow tang
2- blue tang
3 - sailfin tang
4- powder blue tang
5 - heniocous butterfly
6- dwarf zebra lionfish
7- flame angelfish
8- corral beauty anglefish
In a 90 gallon, nix everything but the flame or the coral beauty and the dwarf lion. Pick one angel or the other. You could have a Kole tang. Your tank is too small for any tang to live for long term. You could get a yellow tang, I suppose. You cannot support ANY tang until you have TONS of LR that is very mature with tons of coraline growth. Forget the hippo, the sailfin, and the Heniochus. They simply get too big and need lots of room to swim.


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
ok but i think i am getting a powder blue cuz its one of my favs and if i dont get that i dont think i want a tank lol so im def getting that
What do you plan to do with him when he gets too large or comes down with an illness because of a stressful environment?
you probably shouldnt take advice from seattle. he/she is only 12 and is always giving false information. i have yet to see him/her tell someone something that makes sense.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
In a 90 gallon, nix everything but the flame or the coral beauty and the dwarf lion. Pick one angel or the other. You could have a Kole tang. Your tank is too small for any tang to live for long term. You could get a yellow tang, I suppose. You cannot support ANY tang until you have TONS of LR that is very mature with tons of coraline growth. Forget the hippo, the sailfin, and the Heniochus. They simply get too big and need lots of room to swim.
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Originally Posted by emporer angel
you probably shouldnt take advice from seattle. he/she is only 12 and is always giving false information. i have yet to see him/her tell someone something that makes sense.
Though I don't think it matters that he/she is 12 , although this is kinda mean, I agree with you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Talk about fish police.
No not at all...You gave terrible advice that was about to head someone in the wrong direction...
I am fully with Sep...The kole or maybe a Yellow...Powder blues are awsome..But seem to be real prone to ich due to stress....
1- yellow tang - Maybe
2- blue tang - Nope, not at all
3 - sailfin tang - Yeah right...Dont try it
4- powder blue tang - Ich and get rather large
5 - heniocous butterfly - Swim alot and get big
6- dwarf zebra lionfish - Possible
7- flame angelfish - Good choice
8- corral beauty anglefish - Also good...But pick one or the other..


I was about edit every post on the thread I made apparently 2 late,and yes I know thats why I think I am leaving this forum and totally completley restarting on a new forum,the right away.I have no idea why I haven't ruined my tank yet besides my bird flying into it.And having nothing but a moray,and yes I am pretty much a mental 12 year-old on this site so goodbye.
P.S I will watch you guys time to time.
Emporer Angel.Yes I never make much sense.
you told him it would be OK to put three tangs in a 4 foot tank. what is your thinking behind that? almost everyone on here says you shouldn't even put one tang in a 4 foot tank. this guy was about to take your advice and go buy three tangs and a Heniochus butterfly. all of which would probably end up dead because you told him it would be alright. that would be a big waste of his money and life. You didn't even mention that most likely 2 dwarf angels would fight.... yet another waste of time, life, and money. Its obvious that you dont care enough about fish that you tell everyone misleading stuff that leads to BIG problems. I think you have caused enough problems on this site. I, myself went out and bought a copperband butterfly because you told me my tank size (75 gallon) is fine and that they are hardy fish that are reef safe. NEVER did you mention that they are a very difficult fish to keep and are VERY HARD to get to eat. So of course, after wasting a nice amount of money, it died... THANKYOU SO MUCH!
had it not been for you i probably would have found out they are hard to keep and never bought one. I am sure a lot of other people have the same stories that i do about you.


Active Member
I'll stay out of the no-end-in-sight tang debate. But, I agree with the others--2 dwarf angels of any species will almost certainly lead to the death of one of them. Go to the sales section of this site; will not even ship 2 angels unless they are told they are going to separate tanks. Every fish retailer should be so informative, even if it costs them a sale.


thank you all very much for clearing all that lol but ok ill stay away frome all those but well now i know im getting the flame angel , the lion and the yellow tang any other suggestions on waht i sould get?
dont get the tang. your tank is too small. they are open water swimmers and need at least a 6 foot tank. the angel and lion would be good though.maybe a snowflake eel? you could also get some triggers but they will eat the cleanup crew. some nice wrasses maybe? but they too will eat the cleanup crew. are you sure you dont want to have a nice peaceful tank that could potentially be a reef?


Active Member
Originally Posted by emporer angel
I, myself went out and bought a copperband butterfly because you told me my tank size (75 gallon) is fine and that they are hardy fish that are reef safe. NEVER did you mention that they are a very difficult fish to keep and are VERY HARD to get to eat. So of course, after wasting a nice amount of money, it died... THANKYOU SO MUCH!
had it not been for you i probably would have found out they are hard to keep and never bought one. I am sure a lot of other people have the same stories that i do about you.
This is pretty rude and unfair. Did you ever think about actually doing research? Or was that too much trouble? This board is not research because there are a lot of people (including 12 year olds) who get involved in the discussions and share what they know. However, what they share may be inaccurate or incomplete in some way. Is this her fault? No, it's your fault that you didn't do any research, got the A-OK from a 12 year old and went out to buy a fish you knew nothing about. Then it died in YOUR tank (not hers) for some reason that is probably attributable to you. How about taking a little responsibility for your own purchase.