final fish list


Active Member
Originally Posted by emporer angel
I, myself went out and bought a copperband butterfly because you told me my tank size (75 gallon) is fine and that they are hardy fish that are reef safe. NEVER did you mention that they are a very difficult fish to keep and are VERY HARD to get to eat. So of course, after wasting a nice amount of money, it died... THANKYOU SO MUCH!
BTW, I just looked up that thread and, she actually did tell you that many people have had trouble keeping the copperband alive:
Does it make you feel good to pick on a 12 year old girl? You're a class act.


Easy guys. There is no need to attack anyone. I fully agree that people should not just trust one person on here. Everyone needs to do their own research. This is a hobby that you will put a lot of time and money into. You cannot ever just trust one source. Seattle, you have rubbed me the wrong way many times, but you do seem to have information to offer. Stop actiong like a kid and act like the adult that you are about to be. You give good advice when you want to. Stop the vindictive part and be the good person that you are.
Originally Posted by crimzy
Does it make you feel good to pick on a 12 year old girl? You're a class act.
this not not picking on a 12 year girl. being that she is 12 doesnt make a difference. i would say the same thing to a 50-year-old. many times i have seen her give new aquarists completely misleading info that she was 100% sure about that was corrected in the next post. Like telling him that he could put three tangs and heni in a 4 foot tank??? or two angels??? she knows that tangs shoulnt be in a 4 foot tank and angels shouldnt be in the same tank. dont try to deny it. if you have been on the threads at all, you know exactly what im talking about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emporer angel
this not not picking on a 12 year girl. being that she is 12 doesnt make a difference. i would say the same thing to a 50-year-old. many times i have seen her give new aquarists completely misleading info that she was 100% sure about that was corrected in the next post. Like telling him that he could put three tangs and heni in a 4 foot tank??? or two angels??? she knows that tangs shoulnt be in a 4 foot tank and angels shouldnt be in the same tank. dont try to deny it. if you have been on the threads at all, you know exactly what im talking about.
You don't want to discuss your accusation that she CAUSED you to buy a fish that died? You brought up a whole lot of things from another thread, which were unfair and untrue. You owe this person an apology.