Final Fish selection


I am looking to add a firefish to my 55g Reef tank. 45lbs LR.
I currently have a yellow tang and a maroon clown. The question is: does the firefish stand a chance against these other 2 fish. The clown and tang get along great. Always at each others side.
I fear that the new fish will be harassed and teamed up against. I have read that firefish are very passive.
Should I choose a different fish?
Am I doomed with any new fish?
Am I crazy?
Clown and Tang are about 2-3" each.
And yes I am fully aware I have Tang in a 55.


I think a darf angel would be a great addition to those two fish. Some Maroons are more aggressive than others, same with the Tangs. I think its a 50/50 on the firefish.


Active Member
Firefish are pretty skittish. How long have the tang and clown been in the tank? They may not kill the firefish but my bet is that you won't see it too often. It will stay hidden. I like the angel idea if your tank's been up for better than 6 months. Otherwise a royal gramma or dottyback would make a nice addition and they would stand their ground.


the tank has been running for 4 months, the two fish have been together for 6 weeks.
maybe i will wait a few months and look into a dwarf angel.
I like the coral beauty and flame, but are these angels going to pick at corals and featherdusters?
thanks for the suggestions! please keep em comin!


Active Member
just for fyi, ur tang should be fine in a 55... it is said that yellow tangs are good for that size... just to brighten up your day.
How about some sort of blenny... with that size of a tank it should be fine. Algae blenny's are awesome.... maybe even get a wathman goby... those guys are sweet


Active Member
fyi, they are usually best with hair algae, i see them cleaning my glass but... they eat lots of hair algae.


thanks killafins,
i believe that i dont have enough hair algae to sustain a lawnmower blenny. (yet , knock on wood)
will he accept nori sheets? and or algae wafers/pellets?


Active Member
fine gulfed down on shrimp pellets... however i couldn't feed him on time one night and he attacked my seahorse.... :( ...