Final Stocking Question-- I Promise!!!


OK, I keep trying to think of things to put in my new 150, but always return to my original idea of simply stocking the tank with 2 big Volitan lions and one other fish. I already have 1 V. lion in there now. It may sound boring, but I think it will be a pretty cool tank. My wife REALLY wants a tang in there, but which one? Remember, my 150 is an extra high, so it is only 4ft long, but is 2ft wide and 30in deep.:help:


My wife wants a regal tang. Which is ok by me, but I'm a bit concerned over the tang's suseptibility to disease. They seem to get sick alot


Active Member
They are susceptible to parasites and many people who but them have difficulty. They also have a propensity to HLLE. As one of the larger tangs, they also, IMO, would benefit from more swimming room that a 4 foot tank can offer. Have you considered one of the hardier wrasses over a tang? What about a fox face? I've nbever been a fan of mixing community fish with predators, particularly tangs, which benefit from really good water quality. It's your call, but I think there are better choices than a tang.


Active Member
a larger foxface will do nicley in an agressive tank.they are colorful peaceful but yet defend themselves if need be.they are also great for alge control herbavores but still nibble on meaty food as well.once acclimated I found mine to be very hardy


Sweet foxface! We're deciding between a foxface and a banana wrasse. Heck, might even get both!!! That way the tank would be:
2 V. lions
1 Banana wrass
1 Foxface lo
2 yellow tailed damsels (I'll never be able to catch those things!)
I think a 150 should be able to handle that



Originally posted by cubfan
Sweet foxface! We're deciding between a foxface and a banana wrasse. Heck, might even get both!!! That way the tank would be:
2 V. lions
1 Banana wrass
1 Foxface lo
2 yellow tailed damsels (I'll never be able to catch those things!)
I think a 150 should be able to handle that

more like 2 V lions
1 banana wrasse
1 foxface
2 5$ lionfish feeders. 2 lions will definately catch 2 damsels


Active Member
lol you know i house damsels with both my lions and they dont bother them at all even my panther grouper doesnt bother them and all could easily be swallowed


Yeah, I had the 1 lion and 2 damsels for about 3 months together now and no one bothers each other. I don't know if things will change when I add the other lion. On the other hand, I do notice the lion hanging aroumd the reef at night staring at the damsels in their hiding spots. But, I really wouldn't lose sleep if the lions ate the damsels. Everyone should have a nice expensive dinner every now and then!


Active Member
i had to do the most retarted thing today for a damsel but it would have killed my son to see his kenny (yellow tailed damsel) die.this fish was one of the first fish i placed in my 125 for cycling out of 12 damsels only 3 survived the 3 -4 striped and kenny.mind you i purchased them all in pairs.not knowing any better at the time.well kenny started getting picked on by my striped damsels so i placed him in my55 gal reef tank which i purchased 6 yellow tailed damsels for well after the new fish picked apart the other new damsels only 2 were left and kenny made 3 they left him alone. well not any son noticed kenny was looking a wee bit on the chewed up side today still swimming like a champ with half his tail and fins knawed off.the poor guy after his long life livign in an agressive tank with just about anything could have eatin him I just cant let him go out like that.I went out this morning and purchased a guppy breeder kenny is safe and sound to regrow his fins and tail in his own little corner of the tank:cheer:



Originally posted by cubfan
She also likes yellow tangs, but maybe i can show her a banana wrasse. Still yellow, right?:D

have you shown her a emperata angel or a queen angel or a flagfin angel, thos are all awsomely colored and are big so thats a good thing since your fish will be agressive.


I've never had good luck with angels in the past. Maybe I'm just sending off some sort of bad karma in angel land!! Any how, I've killed enough that I'm now paranoid to try to keep them anymore.