Finally 180 Gallon Upgrade


So I finally took the leap and purchased a 180g tank
. Picked it up for $450 with canopy, stand, 60g sump, Ikawa pump, and delivered to my house. Will be upgrading from a 100g FOWLR. Currently, I have a V. lion, Jeweled and goldentail morays. My question is, how many more fish can i add. Would like to add a panther grouper, a magnificent foxface, and maybe a clown trigger. I know triggers and lions shouldn't mix but i've had pretty good success with them together. Any comments or concers are greatly appreciated. Heres a pic of tank (needs cleaning).

small triggers

Active Member
if you add the grouper add it small (but not small enough for the lion to eat it) because they grow really fast.... and he may eventually try to eat the foxface (though I think id keep him and not get the grouper) far as triggers and lions if you are willing to take the risk, that is on you, i wouldnt do it again...I would also choose a different trigger, or atleast add him last..


I'm going to try to add them all about the same size, about average, but not small enough that my eels will make a meal out of them. I'm also thinking about selling my jeweled for a japanese dragon.

crypt keeper

Active Member
A full grown DME will try to make meals of those fish. Panthers get huge and ugly as hell aa adults. Id get a smaller prettier Grouper. I hope you plan on a serious skimmer water change schedule


I will be adding the trigger second to last (dragon will be last). I have a pretty good skimmer that will be going into the setup and am planning on 10-15% weekly water changes. That should be enough changes right?


Have you considered a minotaious grouper? I'm sure I spelled that wrong but they are beautiful. Congrats on the new tank.


Will be painting it black this week. Purchased an extra 100 lbs of live rock I currently have cycling in a separate container and am waiting to receive a couple of floor jacks this week to install in the crawl space ( just to be safe).


You never realize how heavy glass is till you move a 180g tank all by yourself using 2 movers' dollies. Oh yeah, also had to move half-filled 100g across the living room. 180g ended up on the left and 100g went to the right. Still, pretty excited about my upgrade.


crypt keeper

Active Member
If you paint the back black the sun wont get through and make issues if placed in front of that window. My only concern would be the fire place. Might cause issues for the stand unless you are moving it to where the tank you have now is. Then IMO you should paint the side that faces the window black as well. The tank isnt crashing through the floor.


Final spot for the 180. That curtain next to it doesn't get opened till after the sun passes at 10:00am. The tank on the right (other pics) is my 100g that'll be tearing down once the other is ready.


Active Member
I would strongly suggest against a clown trigger and a lion together, if you like your lion. It may be fine for a long time but clowns get nasty as they grow beyond 6".
If your looking for a grouper that won't get too huge you could consider a v-tail they are great looking as adults, and top out at around 11" so you don't have to worry about a 2 foot monster on your hands in a year or two.
Good luck with the new tank, and post more pics along the way.


Have all the plumbing setup and tested out perfectly. Only problem I have is that the damn black background won't stick properly, bubbles everywhere. Any ideas, advice, suggestions?

small triggers

Active Member
spray the glass with waterput the tint on lightly,, get a squeege and start in the middle and work out to each side then up and down...should get all the bubbles out, what i used to do working for JCPenneys to put logos on the window is use a drop of dishwashing soap in the water,,, works better, but i dont know if you want to chance it with the tank...


Whats a good return pump in (gph)? Current pump is too loud and with hard wood floors..... well you get the idea.