Finally 180 Gallon Upgrade


Have been running for a couple of weeks now with no problems. Added about 60lbs of new sand, 120lbs of live rock, and 5 blue damsel fish. Picked up an ASM Skimmer today so I'll be adding that as well. So just keeping an eye on it for now and doing weekly water test before i transfer my fish and eels over. Any comment or suggestions are appreciated.


crypt keeper

Active Member
With your stocklist your damsels will either be lunch or great little color specs LOL. I love it. What did you do for return pumps?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
With your stocklist your damsels will either be lunch or great little color specs LOL. I love it. What did you do for return pumps?
Damsels will definately be lunch. As far as the pump goes, I picked up an eheim 5000 w/ 1350 gph and (2) koralia #4. Think it'll be good enough?

crypt keeper

Active Member
single return right?
Id pick up two more k 3's. Maybe add some more rock. Id do a pile on each side giving the Lion more room to swim freely.


Has 3 returns and the koralia 4's. Will be adding about 80-100lbs of rock that are left over in my 100g once I see the 180 is ready.

crypt keeper

Active Member
just watch flow. Im my 75 I have a mag 9 driving the return and a k 4 on one side and a k 3 on the other. It has some serious flow. My fish love it


Going to good to be true......, I added 6 blue damsels a couple of days ago and had 1 die the next day, another this morning, and one seems to be breathing pretty heavily. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are at 0, ph is good, and salt level is at 1.023. Any ideas? Maybe aggresion? A yellow tail damsel was in there a day before the other 5 went in.

crypt keeper

Active Member
well if your fish store runs either or your fish need to be taken off this method very slowly. Not just placed in a bucket for 3 hours and dripped. It can shock their system and they most likley will just die for no other reason than that


180 on hold, sort of. All my fish came down with ich so they're stuck in my 100 getting treated. Just added a Magnificent foxface today to the 180 so he has the place all to himself.


New Member
sure hope the tank isent carrying ick in it as well are you will be qting the foxface careful on moving real fast at this one watch the foxface verry carefully are he may come down with the white spot cancer as well.

noah's nemo


Originally Posted by brightblood
sure hope the tank isent carrying ick in it
as well are you will be qting the foxface careful on moving real fast at this one watch the foxface verry carefully are he may come down with the white spot cancer as well.

i'm sure it is,he just said all the fish got it ,so he moved them.Then added a foxface to an ich infested tank

Good luck man........


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
i'm sure it is,he just said all the fish got it ,so he moved them.Then added a foxface to an ich infested tank

Good luck man........
No, I added the foxface to my 180g. My 100g is the one that came down with ich.