Finally!! A jelly pic.


Active Member
I was finally able to take some successful Jellyfish pics at the LFS. Does anyone know what type these are? LFS was clueless.


I have no idea what it could be.. but it's definetly very pretty! Are they selling it? How much are they charging? Just curious. :)


Active Member
It was marked not for sale. There were two of them in a dimly lit 125 gal. with no markings of what species. When I asked the salesman what the deal was, he said it was the owners.


It looks like it is related to the Portuguese Man-of-War or related to that family. Either that or take a look at the mastigias family of jellyfish or a type of moon jelly. Jellyfish are hard to classify since so many of them look alike. Good Luck

nm reef

Active Member
I have no clue what type jellyfish that is...but the photo is incrediable. Think you could stop by the house here and click off a few dozen pics of the stuff in my system? Man you are good with the take a pic and have 'em look great should hire out to us lowly mortals....:eek:


Active Member
I would love to!! Just one problem.......I am in OH, You are in NM. Marine life is probably my favorite thing to shoot pictures of. I must say that I am better with other subjects but that is just because this is so hard. I love the fact that this is so challenging.


Active Member
have you ever done any underwater photography while scuba diving? i bet youd be great at it!
p.s. how big are tehse jellies that we are viewing? i have no idea what kind htey are but they are beautiful!


Active Member
Thanx for the compliments once again. I will try to get a website together so it is a little easier to view the pics. I have not done UW photography but I will be trying it in March when me and my wife go to St. Thomas and do some snorkeling and diving. The Jellyfish in the photos were about 3-4 inches at the head and the tenticles were about 2 feet or so. Beautiful little guys.


Rye- is that film or digital you are shooting?
If anyone goes to Vegas check out the sushi bar in the Bellagio hotel --- the entire back wall is about 30 feet by 10 feet of Jellyfish. There are three different species, and they are all accent lit differently in three seperate sections of the tank. Incredible...almost makes you forget your eating $10 pieces of sushi ;)


Active Member
This was film for the Jellies. Fuji Velvia slide film to be exact. I will skip the sushi but, thanx for the tip about the cool wall of jellyfish.


Do any of you guys keep jellyfish? My LFS has them also, but from what I hear, they are hard to take care of. What do you guys say?

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by Shallow_one
It looks like it is related to the Portuguese Man-of-War or related to that family.

Good guess,but I doubt if it is this...The man o war floats all of its life,never going below the surface of the water..Wish I could help more,but it's definatly not a man o war....
Keeping Jelly's in the home aquarium is (would be) difficult to say the least but it is possible provided you are dedicated and have some realatively deep pockets:eek:
You should start by reading everything you can get your hands on and even that will probably not be enough. Research, research, research and then perhaps reconsider ;)
As for requirments though try to find Aurelia Jellyfish as there has been some success with raising them. You will need a special tank to house them called a Kreisel (more research) essentially it is similar to a clothes dryer. Water (instead of heat) is gently circulated and removed. Since most Jelly's do not swim, but float, constant motion has to be maintained to keep them suspended in the water. A dead spot or corner in a tank can be fatal. Also the water should be kept between 55 and 65 deg for the Aurelia species. Once you get a suitable enviorment remember they need plankton....mutiple time per day. The only lighting you will need is for viewing and water quailty must stay excellent.
IMO not for the avarage hobbyist (not that you are)