Finally!! But one question


Well after struggling with my tank for about six months I got my nitrates down close to 0, about 12. I have no idea how I did it, but I just pretty much left my tank alone except I used supplements and filled the water that evaporated out of it. I also switched from a Skilter 250 to a CPR pak-bak 2. Other than that, I have not done anything. It was either the switch to a CPR or not doing water changes all the time. Honestly, the CPR doesn't seem like it pulls out too much out of my 55 gallon but as long as it is finally going in the right direction, I will probably leave it alone for now. One problem that I do have is I have brown colored algae all over the rocks and sand. I put an 802 Aqua Clear power head a long with the other power head (not sure of the size), but it seems to circulate the water okay, not vigourously or anything. Should I take something and blow the rocks and sand around to get that stuff off of it. I try to clean my glass frequently, but it gets dirty quick. I use two 65 w PC's along with 2 15w coralife florescent bulbs. The 15w gives it a little bit more lighting so I left them on. I am just keeping a few leathers, mushrooms, sun coral, and my percula clown. I also have snails, hermits, and a sallylightfoot crab. Anyway, let me know what you think is causing this brown algae. Oh, and its is not red slime algae, I already battled that one out and got rid of it by adding that power head. Maybe more snails... I think I have maybe ten small ones(not sure of the names), then i have two mexical turbos, and one other large one that I don't know the name but he likes to sift the sand. Oh, I do have three of those sand sifting crabs too. Any suggestions???


The diatoms (brown algea) is quite common in a cycling tank or a jsut cycled tank...also have diatoms on my 55 gallon i satarted about a month ago...if the glass is getting dirty really fast I suggest more snails (astaea sanlis would work great). I would add about 5-15 and if glass is still not getting clean add more......this is what i do and it works great IMO
good luck with the new tank!


Why would I need more lighting?
Is that all one question?
No. I was justing the background info on my tank.
Yeah, I will probably go with more snails then. Will hermits help clean the algae off the rocks?