finally caught my damsel


yea lastnight i finally caught my blue damsel and my rg is likeing it alot cuzz now the damsel cant attack him...haha hes dead i flushed him down the toliet..haha


lol ya i had that same problem with my little dasmel. when i got my first fish which was a clown perc the dasmel always attacked it and than run away but what made me mad the most was when it stayed under my rock work i couldent get him so i had to move 2 of my corals and all my rock work just to get him out of there and i had to move every little piece of rock just about to get him and what made me pissed is i had good rock work in my 12 gallon aquapod that in the future when i got other fish they could have hiding spots to hide in and now i got 2 firefish and a yellow watchmen goby and whats kind of funny my yellow watchmen goes every where. he sets on my rock work and he chills out on my galaxia coral pretty cool. i thought they just hide in there little burrow like my friends but he sleeps with my 2 firefish they made a really big home for all 3 of them where they could get out 3 ways but ya. LOL and i bought a purple dotty back for 12 doll and it looked beautiful in there just the color of him is awsome but he made his territory when my 2 firefish lived in there house for more than 2 months and he just comes in and steels it from them and he started bitin them when they try to come in or w.e and they just stay out in the open and i said no way ur out and i had to take all my rock work out again just to get him lol but it was worth it cause i love my firefish to death. GUESS WHAT I DID WITH HIM I THREW HIM IN MY BABY CROC 250 AQUARIUM AND HE SPOTED HIM LIKE NO OTHER AND ATE HIM SO FAST


well i guess we had the same problem but now my damsel cant mess with my rg cuzz he is in the sewer


y not its just a fish there is alyways more in the sea somewhere in the reef side and dasmels r garbage anyways


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
y not its just a fish there is alyways more in the sea somewhere in the reef side and dasmels r garbage anyways
Pretty darn cavalier attitude to have.........sounds like you may be interested in joining the taliban, with so little regard for any kind of life........pityfull to say the least.


well its not ur tank so why are u worried bout it so i suggest u stay out of my damn business buddy damsels are only 6.00 at the lfs i dont think its a big deal if you want to come get him out of the sewer tank feel free....thanks


that statement shows the type of person you are and you feel about life, most people here have respect and care about the fish but we know where you stand and if you dont wont people in your buisness then dont post it.
Next time you want help maybe we will just post "just flush it since it just a fish or coral" and long as you post things people will respond and be in your buisness.
This is the worst thing I have seen someone post on this site and your attitude goes along with it.
I am with you NateP206 and Chipmaker


well i was just playin i didnt flush him i took him back to the lfs...are you crazy i would never do that my i'm sorry if i made you all people mad my appoligies...also i love marine life and would never hurt it in any way and i have a good attitude towards marine life and try my best to give fish a good and healthy home in my tank so again i'm sorry if i made yall made


im not a bad kid yall its that i got all stuff on my mind like basketball. that what i gotta really think about not fish even though i do have a nice little set up its not my life to think about my 12 gallon aquapod every 2 seconds. sure i ask my dad to take me to fishland every 2 weeks but come on yall we should b worrying about grades and better things in life like playing in the nba thats my dream but im not gonna lie i did flush my fish down the bathroom ok one fish is not gonna hurt anything or any1 besides that 1 fish but just think hes in fishy heavin now and hes happy and he dosent hafe to worry bout being in a 12 gallon or even a 100000 gallon tank he gots the hole sky and its alot bigger than 100000 gallon aquarium.


Active Member
Yea, right on NanoKId, I certainly would probably be a lot happier being flushed and wind up in a sewer somewhere than having to contend with a cavalier owner / keeper like you seem to be..if I was an unwanted fish........


thanxs chipmaker but i really do like saltwater fish and i like haveing an aquapod so that dosent make me a bad person and if yall think so yall r messed up thats all i got to say.


I am no expert but I dont think Chipmaker is agreeing with you
I cant believe that someone who suppose to care about fish feels that way. I guess in your case the people who say the fish are better left in the ocean and it wrong and cruel to keep them are right.
Now that everyone who has read this thread know how you really feel about them and how you treat them. When you are tired of them you just flush it!
No, someone who is messed up is someone who does not see a problem with it.


You know , I can understand that there are thing more important than your tank. I have a 18 month old who goes into surgey in 3 weeks and a baby on the way but it is the lack of respect for the fish's life. You all the time read where people get upset because people cycle with damsels because they consider it cruel but most of the time people dont know any better or they would not do it. Here nanokid is bragging about how he feels about the fish and what he did to it.
It is sad to know about people in this hobby that do those things
Most people in this great hobby really cares about the fish whether they like the fish or not.
I have a fish now that I would like to get rid of and between work 50 - 60 hours a week and a taking care of a family and planning a surgey and other things I am waiting until I have time to catch the fish and take him back to the LFS before I catch him.
It never even crossed my mind to flush it!