finally caught my damsel


Isn't the whole premise of keeping an aquarium a little cruel anyway? Most people don't think about it much but we take fish from the ocean and put them in a tank that is infinately smaller. I'm not condeming aquarists by any means, I have a tank too and I love it, but there is no way that any man made thing can compete with the ocean. Calm down guys. Just my 2 cents.


i agree with mag it is mean to take them out of there little world and put them in a VERY VERY smaller mini life ocean. you think 200 to 300 gallons is alot it is but it dtill dosent fit the ocean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
i agree with mag it is mean to take them out of there little world and put them in a VERY VERY smaller mini life ocean. you think 200 to 300 gallons is alot it is but it dtill dosent fit the ocean.
You are not entirely correct to assume that everyone's fish are brought in from the wild. Both of my clowns are tankbred, and if anything, I feel as though I saved them from the cramped, 10 gallon tank they were sharing with at least ten other clowns. ***** treats their fish horribly. They now get a 29 gallon tank with 20+ lbs. of LR, LS, and two cleaner shrimp to keep them company. I also recently upgraded their lights since I didn't feel the stock Eclipse ones were good enough for them.
So please, don't try and tell me I gave my fish a bad life.


Why in the world would you brag about flushing a fish.Most everybody on this site spends alot of time and money giving there fish the best care and home they can.I understand you have somethings that are importing to you but so does everybody I have 3 jobs,a wife in school and 6 kids to take care of plus make time to keep 9 FW tanks up and running and now we are working on a 180 reef. My point is if you want a hobby make the time for it and respect the living things that you have


I'm not saying that you gave your fish a bad life. Like most people on this site, you gave your fish a better life. But if you think that your 30x12x18" tank is as good as the ocean, you are kidding yourself. Like I said before, I'm not condeming aquarists, that would be hypocritical. I'm just trying to put things into perspective.
Here's a good topic for discussion: Do you think that fish are capable of feeling happy or sad?
Sorry for kinda hijacking this thread, I won't be posting again.


Mag395, I know what you are saying but we are talking about flushing a fish and I hope you are not saying that it is ok since we are not doing them any good by keeping them. So if I understand you, it would be ok to flush a fish because it is no better than keeping them in a tank.
If you feel that way about keeping fish then why do you have a tank, because if I did I sure would not.


New Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
y not its just a fish there is alyways more in the sea somewhere in the reef side and dasmels r garbage anyways
thats a good attitude to have.. ya.. who cares.. theres always more in the sea... and plus they are garbage..
ya that REALLY makes me believe you care about SW fish...

now i do feed damsels to my Leaf fish but dont view them as garbage.. i view "it" as nature.. its what happens in the ocean..
on another board i have a reputation for not likeing Royal Gramma's.. it doesnt mean i flush him down the toilet... i had him in an extra 10g. for months... until i could bring him back to the LFS... ..
ya i bet you really do "care" about ur fish...

also not to crush your dreams or annything.. but getting into the NBA is a VERY slim chance...


lol ok say what u want atleast i wont b caring for fish all my life unlike u ill have something better to do unlike u. ima do something with my life unlike u see i could keep goin on but i dont wanna make u feel bad and go crying to ur mommy u might not think its afencing but it is to me and when some1 gonna tell me what i can and cant possibly do ima put my foot down and say something back so shove that in ur face and i dont care if any 1 talks s*** back let them dosent hurt me ( and im referring to reefdude because out of all yall sorry to say this but get a life) sure send me all these stupid comments about nanokid yall got nothing on me why dont yall just run along and buy some DASMEL or w.e yall do at the petstore THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get off my case


Active Member
Turning this thread into personal attacks unrelated to fish and our care of them is completely unnecessary. And NanoKid, I think people might respect you a little more if you didn't write your comments using things like "some1" and "ur." You might not care, but I thought I might tell you that anyway.


lefty every sence i put a comment in this thread every 1 has attacked me and im 4 real im tired of it so how r they gonna respect me if they dont even no who i am in the inside sure they think im a dumb kid with no life and hates fish i dont hate them im just tired of these stupid comment there leavin me



Originally Posted by NanoKid
y not its just a fish there is alyways more in the sea somewhere in the reef side and dasmels r garbage anyways
ok first of all lets think of it like this. u have a house. and u can keep 2 big dogs and a cat. the cat gets older and gets ugly and always bites and scratches the dogs. lets just shot it in its head cause its just garrbage theres more of them out there in the world.
or like this. a buch of adults were in a house and one baby. the baby got older was ugly and annoying lets kill it cause its just garrbage and there r more being born right now.
not a great attitude. my point is no matter how infierier the life is. it still deserves it. and dosnt need to die. thik u could have said dad this fish cant stay in the bag for too long and i dont want it to die can we take it to fish land or world or where ever u go. and he problly would haves said sure in a sec or yeah in a minute or no. which then u should have put in your tank and said will u take me 2mmorow? or what ever u had to do to keep the fish alive. that fish had dreams when it slept had tank mates it lived with and a life. u killed it. i feel bad killing flies. u dont care u killed a fish. messed up dude. messed up. :mad:
Originally Posted by lefty

... And NanoKid, I think people might respect you a little more if you didn't write your comments using things like "some1" and "ur." You might not care, but I thought I might tell you that anyway.

i do the same thing and if some on judges there levle of respect on spelling and typing style they act pretty shallow :notsure:
nanokid. im sure if u try your very very very hardest everyday and every practice and every game and al the time and get good grades. u could
i repeat could
be in the nba somday



Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
i do the same thing and if some on judges there levle of respect on spelling and typing style they act pretty shallow :notsure:
I don't think it's shallow at all. Would you send in a job application with your words written or typed out like that? No one would take you seriously. Granted, this is a message board, but when you're trying to make a point, your words will be much less effective when they aren't typed out properly.


New Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
lol ok say what u want atleast i wont b caring for fish all my life unlike u ill have something better to do unlike u. ima do something with my life unlike u see i could keep goin on but i dont wanna make u feel bad and go crying to ur mommy u might not think its afencing but it is to me and when some1 gonna tell me what i can and cant possibly do ima put my foot down and say something back so shove that in ur face and i dont care if any 1 talks s*** back let them dosent hurt me ( and im referring to reefdude because out of all yall sorry to say this but get a life) sure send me all these stupid comments about nanokid yall got nothing on me why dont yall just run along and buy some DASMEL or w.e yall do at the petstore THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get off my case

ok this is my last post cause i dont want to get anyone banned i never said you weren going into the NBA.. also people are attacking you b.c. of your attitude about keeping fish... u say "at least i wont be keeping fish all my life" and "there is plenty more in the sea"
"damsels are garbae" etc.. this is a FISH site lol.. of course people are going to get a little mad....about doing something in your life.. i think Borneman and Calfo and all them have done something with there life and keeping fish.. the thing they love to do...
so you play basketball and do the things you love to do.. and you can go into the NBA possibly..
also you dont even know what i want to do or who i am... make me feel bad.. please.. lol ill live the same extravagent life as you (if u do make it to the NBA) without the screeming annoying fans and you cant go anywhere with out some punk arse kid going "can i have an autograph"...
thats all i have to say.. i dont want anyone to get banned...
also people are gonna tell you what you can and cant do your whole life..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
i think they wouldnt hire you or take you seriously but not disrespect you because of it!
Who said anything about disrespect? I said "respect you more." It just takes away from the effectiveness, as I said earlier, and makes you seem like you don't care how you come across. Someone who comes across this way may not receive as much respect. Respect can have different meanings for different people--I did not mean it in the way you see it.


Originally Posted by NanoKid
lol ok say what u want atleast i wont b caring for fish all my life unlike u ill have something better to do unlike u. ima do something with my life unlike u see i could keep goin on but i dont wanna make u feel bad and go crying to ur mommy u might not think its afencing but it is to me and when some1 gonna tell me what i can and cant possibly do ima put my foot down and say something back so shove that in ur face and i dont care if any 1 talks s*** back let them dosent hurt me ( and im referring to reefdude because out of all yall sorry to say this but get a life) sure send me all these stupid comments about nanokid yall got nothing on me why dont yall just run along and buy some DASMEL or w.e yall do at the petstore THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get off my case



Hey, lets chill so we dont get into trouble. NanoKid knows how we feel as does everyone else who has read this thread.
Everytime I get on I hope I dont see this thread because it is hard to keep my opinions to myself.
This is a great hobby and I love it and do it because I do. I pride myself in taking care of my fish and I hope and I am sure for most of you, you feel the same way.
Good Luck to everyone