my bubble tip died 6 months after i have gotten it. I thought it was thriving, then one day, its gone. Theres better corals you can use instead of an anenome which the clown will host to, toadstool leather, hairy mushrooms, star polyps.
I cant say it will host to it but its worth a try, but it all depends if your lighting can even support these corals to begin with and how well your water conditions are. What lighting do are you using now or what are you planning on getting?
I would recommend getting the maroon last, because it can be very aggressive towards any other new fishes you plan on adding along the way. The first thing my maroon would do when i would add something in the tank is attack it no matter what it is, crab, shrimp, hermit, snail.
Im not telling you what to do but its just something for you to know.
good luck