Finally found the BEAST??!!??


I have had my 150 set up for three years. Last week I moved to a new house about 3 miles away. I introduced a few new fish and corals at the same time so the old fish and things will establish new territorys and not pick on the new guys. ( a good trick that works well when adding new stuff) Anyway I made a post several days ago about my clicking noises. WELL today in broad daylight I finally found HIM. If I am correct a pistol shimp has two claws that extend out and a mantis shrimp folds his claws up like a praying mantis. It is a MANTIS about 3-4 inches long, maroon in color with two little bug eyes that stick up out of his head. I found where he is living a today HE DIES. Unless someone would like this BEAST for some reason??:D If and when I get him out I will take pictures and post for all to see. ( maybe we could have a public linching he he he...)


Throw him in your sump. They can be cool critters. And yes, someone will want him for sure. Lots of people put them in species tanks, especially if he is a great color.


I just caught him and put him in a separate tub of saltwater. I hope they are hardy. That water is a few degrees colder and a little less saline. He is maroon and almost 5 inches long. If I was to keep him in a separate tank what could I keep with him??


Hey tjkohler, Thanks for the forum forward. Lots of good info on Mantis. Thanks again. How do u know if its a smasher or a spearer??


throw in some feeder fish and ghost shrimp and see how he kills them. I dont think you could keep anything else in a tank with a mantis shrimp. I heard they are reef safe so you could try some corals i guees the only problem is your wont have a clean up crew.


I guess looking back over the last three years there have been a few disappearing fishes and I have never been able to keep any kind of shrimp and turbos have been declining. So I guess this guy has cost me quite a bit of money. I feel like a king now that I have captured him. I sure hope there are no others. Maybe I should barbeque him. hehehe.:D Maybe I discovered him today because I got a new order of blue-legs and scarlets. And he got careless!!!!!!!!!


If you decide you don't want him or don't have room, I'll gladly pay shipping plus some for him. I keep trying to talk myself into ordering one offline, but I can't see paying $30.00 for a shrimp that everyone that *doesn't* want one seems to get free rofl
I totally understand about feeling like a king capturing him. the same way I felt when I finally caught a 1" maroon clown in a 100gal full of rocks, corals, fish, etc. I actually screamed "OH YEAH WHO'S YOUR MAMMA?!" at it. Half of me felt silly, but the other half was doing a happy dance.


SistrMary, I havent decided wheather to keep it or not but if I dont please give me your email address and I will send him to you for just shipping. Hows that for a deal??!!


I had never heard of these Mantis before reading about them on this web site. do most people find them in their LR? Its amazing what you can find out on a web site. I have been in salt water for over 5 years now and no one has even mentioned these to me. Maybe because we don't see them here in the pet stores!!


I had a spare 20 gal with old hang on filters/ powerhead and heater. 15 lbs LR. Gotta Mantis in there. He's cool.