Finally got a Broomtail but have a question.


Hi all. I finally today got a super show male Broomtail like I have only seen in the pics of them taken in the wild. It is simply amazing. But my question is if anyone has any idea as to how social these guys are with each other. Every article/book I have read seems to depict them as solitary but yet there are sexually dimorphic. Anyone knows if you can keep a male/female pair or if they are simply intolerant of each other in captivity?
The reason I ask is because the same place that got me this super show male, has another huge specimen that could be either male or female, but if it is a female, I was wondering if it could go with my male in the tank.
Any info will be greatly appreciated.


Here is a pic of him in the acclimation bin. His colors are now very impressive and much, much better but he is still on his hiding phase in the tank. Ate very well today so can't wait for him to start showing off. By the way, I got some info about them and their possible pairing.


I am glad that he is doing well. That acclimation container isn't looking too "fish friendly". He is barely submersed in water. I am glad that it worked out for you though.


He is actually quite big so despite appearing that there is little water there, it is an optical illusion. In any case, he is doing good in the tank now and eating quite well.