Finally got my mandarin!


Well, the LFS finally had a mandarin that was eating frozen. I'm very excited. I was concerned that my setup might not sustain a mandarin in the long term without eating frozen, so I've waited... and waited and waited. Today they finally had one. He's a gorgeous little guy.
So my setup is:
55 gallons, set up for 10 months.
80 lbs live rock
sump with about a 10 gallon refuge area (chaeto and 10lbs rubble)
tons of pods of many varieties
and no pod-competitors (at least i've not seen them eating pods)
2 firefish
tomato clown
So I figure between the good pod population I have and feedings of vitamin soaked mysis and brine, he should be ok.


Here he is. The white stuff on the head and fins is and attached to his mucous from the move. It's gone now. I watched sideways last night, and I think that Paul Giamatti looks a lot like a mandarin goby, so that will be this guy's name.


Active Member
Congrats...I love mine...they are so fun to watch as they hover around the tank "stalking" their pods.
Is it male (long spiny dorsal fin) or female (rounded short dorsal fin)?


I think almost all fish eat copepods... I know Gobies do, and Firefish are Gobies. My two Black False Percs will pick them off the glass...
Anyway, with that said, congrats! It's really hard to find a Mandarin that's eating frozen


browniebuck: it's a male, by your description... thanks for that by the way, good to know.
Kanicky: Yeah, it seems like most would pick at them. I had a diamond goby that was absolutely annihilating my pods, but since he's now gone the population has rebounded very nicely. I never see the other fish eating pods, but they certainly may be. Hopefully between the frozen and the microfauna Paul Giamatti will do well.