Finally had it, leaving for good


Active Member
Well, today I saw a thread closed for absolutely no reason and decided I've had it; I'm leaving for good. I'll be online the next few days to take PMs for anyone who wants to stay in touch, and I know I've already got contact info for quite a few people already.
Yeah, I know I was about to leave during final weeks of the election, the political stuff got a tad out of control for my tastes, but I decided to stick around because I have a bunch of good friends, but lately it's the other things, policy wise,that have certainly made me mad enough that it truly is time to move on. I'll try to contact some people over the next few days, but it's definitely easier if anyone who wants to keep in touch would PM me.
So long everyone, it's been fun, and maybe someday years from now, I'll come back.... but for now I can't be here.


I am sorry that you feel that way mOnk. I don't know what thread you are talking about but nothing gets closed for no reason. Offensive posts will be removed prior to closing a thread as to not cause harsh feelings between members though. Maybe you are not seeing all that was there. Best of luck to you


Active Member
sucks that your leaving. always took your great advice. any ideas on which forum you will go to next?


Active Member
Another good one biting the dust? This really blows! What are the details? Can you elaborate without throwing anybody under the bus?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sorry that you feel that way mOnk. I don't know what thread you are talking about but nothing gets closed for no reason. Offensive posts will be removed prior to closing a thread as to not cause harsh feelings between members though. Maybe you are not seeing all that was there. Best of luck to you

It had to do with how to find base rock, a product which this site doesn't sell. The responses merely mentioned how to use google, which is something that has long been allowed here, yet suddenly it gets a thread closed.

At any rate, thank you.


Active Member
Interestingly someone had posted a question asking where I was going, and although I wasn't going to say, it irks me now to see that post gone.


I agree with sep that there is something more than just a closed thread They (her and Renogaw) now have first hand knowledge of some of the things that go on and why threads get closed or deleted.
We as mods just dont close threads on a whim though there has to be a reason weither its to many deleted post in a thread, language, or just poor taste. the offending stuff is taken out of the thread so just reading through it there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with it but in the background there was and is alot wrong with the thread.
I am sorry that you are leaving though. Good luck in all your endevours.


Active Member
youre not goin anywhere... youll be ghostin this place in a day and then right back into the full on posting...
i love these i am leaving threads...
ohh and bye for now... but honestly where else are you gonna waste your time???


Originally Posted by m0nk
Interestingly someone had posted a question asking where I was going, and although I wasn't going to say, it irks me now to see that post gone.

I took that post out for one its been said over and over its not allowed. secondly I always take out those types of post because of the first reason.


Active Member
Meh, it gets old sometimes but rules are rules. It is sad you can't put the name of another board on here without it getting closed. Is that scared people are gong to do business elsewhere? Sell a good product, give good customer service, and be fair and you should have nothing to worry about.
Never been a fan of the can't say anything but


Active Member
Aye, you are one of the good ones. You will be missed. I was thinking this place is SO much better than before the elections. I have actually been enjoying it here lately.
Hopefully you will let things blow over and come back. I mean, what am I supposed to do with a broken dishwasher now? I never did get your address to send it to you wo you could fix it with duct tape.


Active Member
monk, you have been talking about this for months. I have read, and learned a lot, from many of your posts. But either do it, or stop talking about it. Personally, I think that your presence and posts would be a loss to the forums, but that's just my opinion. But make your mind up dude....


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I took that post out for one its been said over and over its not allowed. secondly I always take out those types of post because of the first reason.
I've never questioned your own use of the mod power before, and have always learned a lot from your posts, but I would have simply answered that it would be against the rules and then everyone in the thread would know right off the bat.... I personally think that would have been better than to just outright delete it with no explanation to everyone else who might later want to ask the same thing.
At any rate, I have learned a lot, and I appreciate how hard it is for you and the other mods to maintain the board in accordance to the admin's wishes, but lately the selective use of that mod power has just compounded with the other things that have really made me come to this decision.
Originally Posted by T316

monk, you have been talking about this for months. I have read, and learned a lot, from many of your posts. But either do it, or stop talking about it. Personally, I think that your presence and posts would be a loss to the forums, but that's just my opinion. But make your mind up dude....

I had one thread about it during the election... it's not like I've been threatening to do it at every turn.

But thanks for the praise, though it's real this time, and although I love helping other people and passing on the info that I've gathered over the years in this hobby, I can do that elsewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I've never questioned your own use of the mod power before, and have always learned a lot from your posts, but I would have simply answered that it would be against the rules and then everyone in the thread would know right off the bat.... I personally think that would have been better than to just outright delete it with no explanation to everyone else who might later want to ask the same thing.
At any rate, I have learned a lot, and I appreciate how hard it is for you and the other mods to maintain the board in accordance to the admin's wishes, but lately the selective use of that mod power has just compounded with the other things that have really made me come to this decision.
I had one thread about it during the election... it's not like I've been threatening to do it at every turn.

But thanks for the praise, though it's real this time, and although I love helping other people and passing on the info that I've gathered over the years in this hobby, I can do that elsewhere.

See, now that is childish IMO. You still have something to give, you enjoy giving it, other people benefit from it, so what does the mod-ship powers to be have that you cannot overcome that and say...'to heck with them'? I have a Mod that I am not particularly fond of, but that does not stop me from here....I take that into account, abide by the rules, and if that particular mod so much as remotely crosses my path out of line, I will call them out.
Bad choice IMO, but it's up to you....


Originally Posted by T316
See, now that is childish IMO. You still have something to give, you enjoy giving it, other people benefit from it, so what does the mod-ship powers to be have that you cannot overcome that and say...'to heck with them'? I have a Mod that I am not particularly fond of, but that does not stop me from here....I take that into account, abide by the rules, and if that particular mod so much as remotely crosses my path out of line, I will call them out.
Bad choice IMO, but it's up to you....
D, I thought I was your friend

mOnk, I can understand your frustration but sometimes we just have to make judgment calls on certain things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
See, now that is childish IMO. You still have something to give, you enjoy giving it, other people benefit from it, so what does the mod-ship powers to be have that you cannot overcome that and say...'to heck with them'? I have a Mod that I am not particularly fond of, but that does not stop me from here....I take that into account, abide by the rules, and if that particular mod so much as remotely crosses my path out of line, I will call them out.
Bad choice IMO, but it's up to you....
I didn't say that was the main reason, it just added to other things. The auction site was a big deal to me, as a buyer. I don't like waiting out auctions and decided to buy frags elsewhere already..... not to mention that some of my favorite sellers left too. I don't buy enough at a time to order from often so they didn't have my business to begin with. I understand their reasons for doing it, but they don't "get" my reasons for disagreeing with it.
Anyways, I'm trying to just say goodbye and see if anyone wants to stay in touch... I'm hoping that some people do.