finally made up my mind!


hokay so, ive decided i know exactly what i want in my 55. right now i have
1 red banded goby
1 arrow crab
3 green chromis
1 lmb
1 cleaner shrimp
i want to add..
1 fire fish
2 true percs
1 yellow watchman
1 royal gamma
an rbta and eventually some shrooms n stuff
1 pistol shrimp or peppermint shrimp
and maybe a cardinal fish
i know its alot of fish but most dont grow over 3'' so i think it should be ok right?:help:

barry cuda

That's a pretty large fish list for a 55 IMHO. At full size that many will be pushing the biofilter pretty close to its limit...if you do stock all those, I'd be very careful to do it slowly and monitor levels carefully.


arrow crabs are murderers.watched one eat three of my fish fore i got rid of was a full sized firefish.............


I think you'll have a problem with the 2 gobies, and probably also the Royal Gramma with the Blenny...especially in a crowded tank.


my royal gramma and blenny get along fine.......their spots are even by one another....of course they do have a lil more room to run than in a 55.........


yea i think im gonna find a new home for the arrow crab. and someone else on the forum had a purp and red firefish with there red banded goby and they got along great. i wanna add a pistol shrimp just for the watchman because it would be really cool to watch them live together. and im def going to be adding these guys over a period of months