Finally-magnets specifically made for powerheads


I finally found magnets made for my maxi-jet powerheads. I have been searching and I finally found what I was looking for. I am so sick of suction cups coming loose and coming home to find my sand bed being blown all across the tank, well no more of that..... I placed the order yesterday and I am supposed to be getting them next Wed. All of the reviews on this product were excellent. I am very excited, although I will say the one down side is they are a little pricey...


New Member
Thats great news. You only left out one bit of information..... Where did you get them at and at what price??????


Originally Posted by ram6519
Thats great news. You only left out one bit of information..... Where did you get them at and at what price??????
I am not allowed to post where I got them, but I looked up magnets for powerheads under yahoo and a site popped up that produces them and then I called them. They immdeiatelly told me of an online vender...._____ Depot. Anyway, like I said the only complaint is the price. They are $25 for each powerhead, but I was willing to pay to stop the madness of a sand storm.


Active Member
just out of curiosity something that i have noticed is that when i use my magnet sweeps to clean the glass it disrupts the magnetic drive of the impellar, what precautions have the manufacturers taken to ensure that this doesnt happen when you mount your ph with them. maybe something to think about, but if they work, what a great idea. that will make it easier to have ph anywhere you want without having the suction cups come off all of the time.


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
just out of curiosity something that i have noticed is that when i use my magnet sweeps to clean the glass it disrupts the magnetic drive of the impellar, what precautions have the manufacturers taken to ensure that this doesnt happen when you mount your ph with them. maybe something to think about, but if they work, what a great idea. that will make it easier to have ph anywhere you want without having the suction cups come off all of the time.
I was thinking the same thing, and I don't know what pre-cautions they have taken because I haven't gotten them yet, but the pictures from the pictures it looks like their are many barriers.


Active Member
hmmm i will be interested to know how well they work and if they mess with the preformance of your PH's let us know when they come in


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
hmmm i will be interested to know how well they work and if they mess with the preformance of your PH's let us know when they come in
I definatelly will and like I said they had all good reviews....


Alot of people use old Mag floats and glue the PH to the mag float and it defiantely messes with the magnetic field on the motor.


Active Member
we have some magnetic holders at our store, some called "sure grip" and then some by tunze...we use tunze pumps on our display 75 that are held by magnets and they do just fine...the reason these work i believe are because tehy are made specifically for the powerheads and has to do with distance from the motor unlike doing a glue job with a magfloat. thats what i've been told, i called tunze about it and they didnt even have a 100% answer for me


Originally Posted by Bronco300
we have some magnetic holders at our store, some called "sure grip" and then some by tunze...we use tunze pumps on our display 75 that are held by magnets and they do just fine...the reason these work i believe are because tehy are made specifically for the powerheads and has to do with distance from the motor unlike doing a glue job with a magfloat. thats what i've been told, i called tunze about it and they didnt even have a 100% answer for me
Sure Grip are the ones that I am buying for my maxi-jets...


I've used the Sure-Grip 100 with two Seio power heads and have not had a problem with them. They have been in my tank for 5 months now. They sure hold the power heads in place.