finally new aquascaping!!!!!


Active Member
finally, after many many many many weeks of procrastination, and four hours last night with the help of my brother (saltnoob) i re-aquascaped my 13 month old 135. i would love any and all comments. yes, even if you don't like it (not that i"ll read it)....
full tank before

left side before

right side before


Active Member
he was only up here for the afternoon (and evening). the next time he's up here, i'll make sure we swing by.

tx reef

Active Member
Isn't amazing how long it takes to do that?
Everytime I ever re-aquascaped my tank I would start at 6:00pm (on a Friday night) and break out the Captain Morgan and Coke Zero.
I had an average finishing time of 1:00am. It doesn't look like it would take that long, but at least it is time well spent. I always have fun when I re-aquascape (which I will probably be doing Friday).
I like the new look. You have a lot of nice coral.......


It looks great! I only have a 29g biocube and it took me a few hours when I re-did mine a few weeks ago, too. With yours being so much bigger, what do you do with the fish and corals when you're working with the rock? And you have a lot of rock to move around!


Active Member
thanks everyone.
erik- probably in the neighborhood of 250-260 lbs.
tx- i had enought problems seeing where i was placing things w/o being liquored up. i can't even imagine what it would have looked like if i was.
little on the bottom big on top.........


Active Member
the corals go into holding tanks (5 gal buckets) and the fish just stay in there and hopefully don't get crushed when i replace the rock.


Originally Posted by Isistius
the corals go into holding tanks (5 gal buckets) and the fish just stay in there and hopefully don't get crushed when i replace the rock.
Thanks, I didn't think you could leave everything in there and safely maneuver the rock around. Do the fish or corals ever get stressed from doing this? Sorry for all the questions but I guess you can't learn if you don't!


Active Member
yeah everything gets stressed out. but the faster you do it, the less stress. think about moving yourself. the faster it gets done the faster the stress is over......gonna have to do a nice water change this weekend since the bottom was stirred up. no biggie, 20%, but it comes with the territory.


Active Member
ooohhh looking good
are you and saltnoob really brothers? thats cool if so, i wish i had a hobby in common with my brothers


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
ooohhh looking good
are you and saltnoob really brothers? thats cool if so, i wish i had a hobby in common with my brothers
yeah we are. at least that's what our mother tells
it's actually one of a few hobbies that we have in common


Looks good but I have a question and maybe anyone can answer it. When you guys and dolls re-scape do you remove your livestock? and if you don't do you get alot of what I call "sand cloud" in your tank and is it detrimental to your livestock? but it does look great working my LR levels up how much rock do you have wondering as I have a 130g and would love to see more large (100-200 gallon) pics to spur imagination


Active Member
bnutz- you will get some "sand cloud" as you call it. but the slower you move in taking the rock out, the smaller the cloud will be. as far as being detrimental, it most likely just stresses everything out. i replaced all of the rock, and turned on my filter. i did however, leave off my powerheads until the next morning, just to let the "cloud" settle. right now, i probably have 250-260 lbs of rock in there. a good rule of thumb for a reef tank is 1.5-2 lbs/gal. but it's really preference. i know of someone on this forum with over 800 lbs in his 210.