finally pics of my 75g


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Yea its original but is the return pump in the same section as the overflow?

nope the return pump is all the way to the right in the back corner. hidden you can see the line coming up behind the light and out the back.
saltnoob its a starry night toadstool leather (far left) my tomatoe clowns are hosting in it so it doesnt open as much as it should. it looks pretty rough compared to before I had the clowns. as for the spired thing? I think you mean my fungia(top center) its just an LPS, I dont have any fish eaters in my tank. those spires glow in the actinics, lemme see if I can find an old pic


Active Member
I had it in the sand but it never opened fully so I placed it high up on a flat spot with no sharp edges to damage it, as you can see it doesnt seem to mind at all. It appears to like having its body over open water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
cool , how do you secure it so nothing knocks it over?


its not secured but its been there almost a month and nothing has knocked it over yet.


Active Member
ok figured it out it needs to be a cloudy day, with the sun setting, window blinds open, all lights in the house off, throw camera twice, refrigerator door open, and one cat locked in the bathroom to get a full tank shot that looks good with this camera........

but here this is a better shot.