Finally some pics of my tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by dina12
Thank you all for the kind words. I do love my tank and I am very proud of it. Not sure if you can see in the last picture - behind the xenia on the bottom rock - my Porc. Puffer is hiding in there.....he is a goof.
This tank is a 125 - and I used plain ole super glue gel to put the xenia on the glass. I am hoping to have the entire back covered soon. I started the project about 2 months far, so good. Even being glued - it is able to move, split and spread.

That's only 2 months?? Wow.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
That's only 2 months?? Wow.
Lisa :happyfish
Yep - not the whole tank - just the xenia on the back wall. It was all over my tank - I removed alot from the rocks and glued it back there. I am hoping within the year to have the entire back wall covered.