Finally Something To Look At

I Tried To Wait A Little Longer, I Just Ran Out Of Patience. I Got Tired Of Looking At Rock,sand,clean Up I Came Home With 1 Mushroom,better Than Nothing. Tank Has Cycled And All Levels Check There Any Other Special Care Needed Now That I Have A Piece Of Coral Like Hours Of Lighting,food If Any Ect... All Help Is Greatly Appreciated


It's your decision on how much light it gets. I usually keep my lights on for about 6 hours or so because I'm trying to cut back on the algae growing in my tank. You don't need to feed your mushroom except with light
And it should do well because they are durable
I just noticed that myself. Who knows i guess i hit something on the keyboard. I am new to salt water and computers too. It is difficult typing while i stare at my 1 mushroom.


Well-Known Member
it's because he typed everything in capslock. The computer doesn't like that, so it put everything in lower case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
I don't want to steal your thread, but can I put a mushroom in a 29 gallon with a Coralife 50/50 bulb?
depends on what the watt of the bulb is. 50/50 is just the color, not the watts


20 watts, and I am about to buy a 2 bulb nova extreme light from MaryG, not sure how many watts on that though. Ill have it in less than a month.
Im about to go to the LFS to return a murderous hermit crab, and wanted to save a trip and get a shroom while I was there


Hey Girlina,
It is a 48watt fixture. One actinic and one daylight. I had mushrooms, a toadstool, and zoos under it.