Finally!! The alian.. has come back to webdesign!!.


Ok.. I was trying to sound cool.. but I'm not the rock. lol
Anyways, I finally got some time to work on the site with pics of the tank. Unfortunately it occurred to me afterwards that I never got some pics I really should have (IE: A pic of the entire tank in one shot) I will fix that shortly (need the camera charger) and will correct it, but its at least something to start with. I just got fired up about flash again and working on some flashed tricks to make a navigatable tank, but this will at least make me a member of the "I have a picture of stuff somewhere on the internet" club. heheh
Guys.. if you can ID that clownfish.. PLEASE let me know!!!

the new guy

Nice job (once again). Cant wait to see the full tank shots.


Alianated, glad to see your tank online, it's as nice as I imagined. Let us know when you get the full tank shots. Don't computers and reef tanks mix well? I love this hobby!


Looking good! :D
The clown looks like a saddleback clown. Do a search and you will find photos.
I'm positive that's what it is.


Great tank alianated! I was looking forward to finally seeing it. Your brain IS amazing! I too like your yellow coris. I have one aswell. BTW, are you still using Reef Solution?


I'm jealous.
My 20 gallon is still under construction, and let me tell you, it's nothing compared to yours.
But what really makes me mad? Is the fact that YOU have a scanner and I
don't! :mad:


Looking great. Let us know when you get it updated.
How do you feed you mandarin, I'm interested in know how and with what.
[ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: b_ball12_99 ]


Active Member
Cool. Real cool! I tried to read your disclaimer but couldn't get in. Not done yet I take it? Hope you get your charger soon so we can see more!
Take care,
Dan'l :D
PS. I have a scanner. Is it possible to post pics here?


looks good , and by the way , your profile says you live in sacramento , as in sacramento california? and if so where do you go to get your fish.


Thanks all, hehe
I do have a scanner, but I take the pictures with a digital camera. The camera lets me take pictures in the dark without flashing and thus getting some of those cooler dark pictures.
As far as the mandarin goes, I would rather not post it yet. I would hate to have people buying them and have them dying, I have already posted one thing and been inaccurate and caused someone to buy hermit crabs cause I misread their problem. hehe (I have been humbled) If you want to email me at I would be happy to tell you, but once again, these guys apparently can die off slowly, and I would hate to give you bad info, so take it as a posibility, NOT a definite solution.
Yes, I still use Reef Solutions, although as stated before, I use half the dosage and every other day. Too much seems to promote mass algae growth, and while it did seem to encourage coraline, it also seemed to encourage hair algae, to such a degree that I learned that if I put in Reef SOlutions today, tomorrow I would have an algae spike.
Thanks for the info on the clown, hehe I knew it couldnt be a clarks, just not yellow enough. If any of you have info on the mushrooms, let me know, I would really like to know the different types of them.
Oh, and the Logic link, seemed to give people a few problems, no idea why, cause I cant duplicate it on 3 different machines. But it started working for some people recently, so maybe it will work for you, if not, no worries, its all gonna be reimplemented in flash anyway.