Finally took pics of my tank.!.!



Originally posted by davidsmith
slaltfisher i lime your additude . thats the way i am . i bet peopel say your tank is over stocked well who cares its your tank . i think is very nice

It's just some people in here say that it's cruel to put certain fish in a tank. I guess it's not cruel taking fish from the ocean and putting them in a little tank(no matter what size) and leaving them there for the rest of there lives. Either way you look at it, we are all doing the fish an injustice.



Originally posted by Robb
It's good you guys stick together! In fact you might want to go start your own forum that's called "We don't care about our fish at all as long as we are happy nothing else matters and we won't listen to any advise that people give us either so don't bother trying". You guys are trail blazers! I really like your style! That's why I make my Saint Barnard live in a cat carrier! We couldn't get him out if we tried but he is happy as all get up!:rolleyes:

No one said we are sticking together. This thread was about pics of my tank, not overstocking my tank. Also, good for you that you keep "Beethoven" in a cat carrier. I don't care if you kept him in a shoebox. Your dog, do what you will with it.


YEAH!! YOUR RIGHT!! The Humain Society says I'm treating my dog bad but I say it's MINE and I can do what I want with him!!:mad: Social Services can kiss off too if they don't like me chaining MY(I OWN THEM) kids in the broom closet!


You know, I am being ridiculous. The comment from dave really struck me as funny though. I have read several posts by both of you and it is the same thing.
"I don't understand why a thousand people are telling me this is wrong?"
"I'm right! It's the rest of you that are all wrong!"
"It's my tank so stop picking on me"
It is your tank. And unfortunatly you do have the choice to make bad choices and stick to them. I'm not trying to be a jerk even if I am doing a good job of it. I just think that people need to use some common sense. In my book anyone can make a bad choice but it is the smart person that realizes the mistake and does their best to remedy the problem. I do wish you and your fish the best. :)


New Member
I haven't been on the forums long, but I can tell you that Undulates are nasty. I had several different triggers and all were very compatible with my other fish except for the Undulate. He would go out of his way to harass and try to kill any fish at all. He would go from one side of the tank to the other to attack any new fish or fish already in the tank. I have a 150 and I only have about 7 fish, so it's not over stocked at all. Undulates are just plain nasty.


Your tank - your choice, I guess.
I'll bet your LFS loves when you walk in the door - they just know you are going to be back over and over to replace all the fish the undualte will kill.
Why not just buy a Queen Trigger while you are at it?
But I like the tank. And I like the fish. Which is why I think you would do all the other fish a great service by keeping them alive and removing the undulate. Just my opinion.
Good luck.


I had a Queen, but I removed him because he was the last added and I figured it was too many Triggers in one tank. Like the Undulated, it never bothered the other fish. It was and still is a pleasant community.

nm reef

Active Member
Interesting system...not a stocking option for myself or the majority of the members we see here...but interesting just the same.:rolleyes:
Due to the nature of some of the comments this thread is closed...with a polite reminder that regardless of the circumstances...bashing of members and personal attacks are not tolerated.
Some members will do what they the manner they want...regardless of the advise/information provided. All members of this board can do is provide accurate/reliable advice & information in as positive a manner as possible.
Luckly the majority of our members attempt to responsibly develope systems that have legitimate chances for long term survival...a few choose to ignore sound advice and take other options.
Flames though are not the course this site takes...and for that reason this thread is history!