

I have waited so long to build a pond. My Dad, brother and I are moving to a new house where there we will begin construction on an outdoor pond as soon as we move in.. We move in 2 weeks. cant wait. I want to build an above/underground type pond with one of the sides being a glass window so you can view the fish under water. For all of you freshwater aquarists, i am having 3 oscars, 6 pacu, 2-3 plecos, 1 lima shovelnose catfish, and possibly a red tailed catifish. The pond its self will be over 2,000 gallons with a max depth of 4.5 feet. length 12 feet and an average with of 7 feet. comments, suggestions welcome :)


YOU LUCKY person!
i've always wanted a pond....with one that big, u can swim in it! and holy cow, your oscars are gonna be mega huge! i love big oscars, but they are a pain to keep fed and full
good luck!:cheer: :cheer:

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Originally posted by Reef_Magic
YOU LUCKY person!
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whoops.......sry offended peeps