Getting the rest of my live rock today. I had decided about 3 months ago to redo my tank into a FOWLR, coming from an aggresive with all fake decorations. About 2 months ago I got 50 lbs of Tonga Branch and have had it cycling since then. With the heat wave that we had a few weeks ago my LFS wasnt getting any shipments of live rock in so I've been waiting what seems like forever to get the rest of my rock. Now he's renovating his store and isnt getting any more in for at least a few more weeks. I got tired of wating so I ordered a 50lb box of Walt Smith fiji off the auction site and its set to arrive today. I cant wait to get it home so I can finally start my aquascaping. Been getting tired of just looking at the jumble of rocks thats sitting in my tank...
I'll post some pics when I get it all in there and scaped nicely...
I'll post some pics when I get it all in there and scaped nicely...