finally .


so after a 6 wk long battle I finally won the phosphate battle , with the use of a UV sterilizer ,
and water changes . the tank is crystal clear
ammonia is ...... 0
nitrates falling
nitrates falling
phosphates barely registering now . under 1.0
I have reintroduced the community back in with no fish lose .

been stuck at work all week covering shifts , but have been monitoring it closely .
this Saturday I will be going and picking up 30pds of Haitian live rock to get it in and going
the guy at the local store told me he having a sale this hole week , $4 a pd . not to bad .

since I go on a Stay-cation next week , I have decided to do some upgrades , I kinda feel the small wet/dry im running just isn't as accomidating to the tank as I would pref ,
so talking to my buddy that broke his tank down ,that gave me all his Rock , he hooked me up with his old
wet/dry that is like 4 times the size of mine ,he had in storage , traded me for a part he wanted for his jeep . pretty much costing me nothing other then a few plumbing mods.
also the media box was missing so I had to design and build a plexi-glass media box .
good thing here at work we got plexi all over the place still costing me nothing .
so im pretty happy with the condition of the tank at the moment all the fish are comfortable and eating well , and next week I do the upgrades .


been doing it for years , I just never delt with a phosphate problem at this magnitude before it was def a first , thank you city water dept for the new changes ,and not informing anyone , big thumbs up to ya ...... NOT