Finding a Tank?


I want to set up a reef tank. This is my first time, and I am having some trouble figuring out where I can buy a reliable tank for a decent price. I was thinking of buying a glass tank in the 35-55 gallon range. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!


I got a 55g, a nice stand and hood, and some of the basic equipment for around $800 bucks.
If I had it to do again, I could have probably saved a few hundred by getting the tank and stand seperately, and getting exactly what I needed to start a tank. But I jumped in head first.....:D
I would suggest at least getting a 55g tank. That is considered the smallest size tank for beginners. The bigger the tank, the easier. Reason being, the more the water, the less the drastic changes.
If I had to do it again, (where have I heard that before?), I would have gotten a 100 or 125g tank. The overall cost is not that much more, and you can do so much more with a 125 than a 55g. Anyway, just my opinion......:D
Welcome to the board and the hobby.:)


do not go with anything less than a 55... Smaller aquariums are harder to keep and take more time!


Active Member
I agree with my crimson tide friend. I bought a "package deal" on a 75 gallon with everything included for $1200. if I had bought the stuff separately, I coulda got a 90 gallon for the same price or cheaper, cause they're pretty much the same demensions. and I didn't know as much then as I do now, so the lights the lfs guy set me with were dual strip 110w pc for $150, when I coulda got 4 strip 220w pc for $50 more. 6 months in and I'm already having to upgrade my light fixture.
do a lot of research before you spend money. I agree that I wouldn't get anything less than a 55, and you should check on 65 and 75, because the price diff probably won't be that much. and I wouldn't get anything that's not pre-drilled for a wet/dry in the bottom.
and when you get started, PLEASE, paint the back of the tank. painted tanks look 1000 times better. and remember that it's a hobby. hobbies are supposed to be fun.


Best piece of advice I ca offer you is to shop online for everything you can! Almost always the prices are dramatically cheaper. I second the 55 gal too.
Take your time and maybe you wont have to say "if I had to do it all over I would have..." like most of us do!

barry cuda

Ocean View makes a 5' 100-gallon glass tank that you ought to be able to get with a pine stand (ugly but paintable) for under $400. I bought mine for $300 from the LFS. At that price it doesn't make sense to go with anything smaller unless you want acrylic or have a specific shape in mind, imho. Of course, the cost of LR and equipment goes up with tank size, but the effort required to maintain it goes WAY down...