finding nimo


Hello, does anyone know if the pretty blue fish (Dory) in the movie finding Nimo is a hippo tang? :thinking: Thanks


Active Member
As said, yes Dory is a Hippo Tang. Other common names for that same fish is Regal, Palette, Pacific Blue. The Scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus
The truth is the Dory is a cartoon so shes none of the above, haha. just kidding.


if you plan on getting that 120, you def will be able to house one happily
do your research, ask your questions, this is a great hobby to be a part of and many people here are willing to help you expand it
waiting for the cycle to complete is one of the most frustrating times, lol but we all went through it
know when you might be able to set your first tank up?


not for awhile, months!@#&%*^

and it's alredy killing me, but i plan to learn alot before i even start. thats why im soooooooo glad i found you all. this is a great place to learn. too much remodeling, putting in pool and that kind of stuff going on here right now. $$ is going out the window!!


Originally Posted by fishwanabe
$$ is going out the window!!
lol ya, it usually does >_<
hope to see your "MY NEW TANK!!!
" thread soon


Just an FYI if you're interested in hippo tangs...they like to be paired or kept in a harem of 3 if at all possible.


Active Member
I wonder if finding nemo has hurt the hippo population in any way since I know the sales have shot through the roof since that movie came out. I know clown sales have shot up too but they can be bred in captivity, not sure on the hippo. Anytime I go to the LFS store and there are kids around, you always hear "MOM LOOK ITS NEMO...MOM IT"S DORY!!!!" I didn't know what Dory was when I first started so I had to research too. But now she is my favorite fish. What is also funny is when my daughters friends come over (she's 5) they do the same thing, look it's nemo, ... But they always say look there's another nemo (I have two) and my daughter says no, the small one is nemo and the big one is Marlin

And last but not least. Dory is not the easiest tang to keep. They stress easily and can develop ich. Start out right and use the QT method and you will be greatly rewarded!


Active Member
I think they meant QT? Prob a typo.
I have 2 hippo tangs anda clown in my 210 and they are fine together.
My son always runs around the basement yelling nemo, dory, my fishies