Finnally got one!!! Potters Angel..


Since day one (well before I even had my tank) I have always wanted a potters angel and have done quite a bit of research on them hoping that I would some day keep one, a healthy one at that. Well today is the day I finally purchased one, my LFS ordered it in two weeks ago and ran him through quarantine for me, and held him for an additional week to see how he was adapting before I purchased him. He looks amazing no discoloration, he is big and fat, and is very active. I am still a little nervous about keeping him and really want him to thrive. So I am looking to you all for any suggestions or experiences with them. I have done my research and am now looking for some real life insight into these beautiful fish.
Thank You and wish me luck ;)


He is still acclimating right now, but once he is in the tank I will do my best to get a good pic for ya ;)


Active Member
Potters are one of my favorite Centropyges. I tried a pair before. Unfortunately lost both. The small one never really came around to eating much. The larger one lasted about 7 weeks. 4 in QT, in the display, then died randomly. Eventually will get another, though straight from HI....
The foods I managed to get them on were cyclopeeze (the freezer bar, not flakes), shaved scallop pieces, and nori rubberbanded to the live rock.


Here are some pics, sorry they are so horrible my camera is pretty bad at getting good tank and fish pics.. My next tank upgrade might just have to be a camera haha..
He seems to be doing really well so far, I know this is very early to tell but he is very active and not hiding very often and is grazing on my LR and there just seems to be something about him, like he is already at home even though he was just added, maybe its just me but he seems very happy and is definitely not shy.



New Member
He is beautiful!! Congrats! He has beautiful coloration as well. I work at a LFS, and we get potters in, but I have not seen them have such color. That is very nice of your LFS to do that for you. I wish more LFS treated every fish with that degree of concern.
I am glad that he is doing very well :]


Thanks for the complements everyone!! I wish you could see him in person as the pictures are so poor :( He seems to be doing very well today and is still grazing away on the LR but hasnt shown much interest in prepared foods. I knew this would be the biggest challenge and I really think I can get him to come around. So hopefully he does well and I will do my best to keep updating the tread for progress and what things seemed to work best.


I've had a potters going on 4 months. He's in a 150 with about 250-300 lbs of LR. The first two months it only ate from the live rock and glass. Around the 3 month mark it began nibbling at pe mysis and began to eat them after about a week of tasting. He just started eating NLS pellets this week. From my limited potters experience, it seems that ample established LR and water quality is the key to success. I've read that the one year mark is barrier to claiming success. Best of luck!


Ive wanted a potters as well but the expert only thing is the only thing thats stopped me :( hope yours does well!


Whew, well that is good news OleMiss at least I know that he can last for awhile on just my LR and glass. He is grazing like crazy and is still very active so its nice to know that there is a chance past the ten day mark for him continue to do well and not starve until he is ready to try some new foods :)
ericijn, look into to them and start your research they are great fish. I agree yes the expert only thing made me nervous as well and I am still anxious to see how this adventure goes even after all my research. The main thing with them is getting one that is happy in a aquarium environment and supply a lot of LR and very docile tankmates. After that it is just a slow process of trial and error to see what they will eat.


Thanks Nova and I plan on keeping this thread updated as much as possible and do my best to relay what works best for these guys.. And he was an amazing find my LFS really came through :) I am very lucky.. I think I might see if they can get in a bluestripe butterfly next but that is just a thought as of now, need to do some more research before I can really say. It would be kind of cool to do a Hawaiian tank, and that would be a plus for the Potters as I have read they do better with fish from the same location..


Hey forgot to ask you OleMiss did you do anything to get him to eat the mysis or did he just decided on his own one day? Also did you try any other methods to get him to eat prepared food or did you just let him be?


I just let him be, fed other fish as normal and he just constantly grazed on the LR. Mature LR got him though the first couple of months. One day he began chasing mysid, then tasting and spitting it out, then one day he just started eating. He ate chopped up squid earlier today which surprised me. Eats like a champ now. Early on I tried soaking food in garlic but it did not seem to help.


Very cool, I really hope mine will make it as long as yours that is very impressive 4 months would be a victory for me ;) I also hope mine gets curious and decides to try some prepared food, although today he did go after some algae from my maga marine algae cube.
Also as an update end of day 4 and he still seems to be doing well, he is still grazing on my glass and LR, and has befriended my cleaner shrimp. No prepared foods yet but I am going to try some garlic soon to see if it helps for me, as well as trying some cyclopeeze to get his attention. Still looks healthy though and does not seem to have lost any weight so that is a plus..


Well today 3.31 marks the one week mark for my Potters Angel, and he decided to celebrate by trying then eating some mysis!! It wasn't much but he ate it, so I am really hoping that he will continue to eat prepared foods.. He still grazes all day and is still nice and big, but this for me was a big step forward and a very happy moment.. and feel very fortunate :)
Oh and here are some pics I took today.
