Finnex 4 gallon


Active Member
Looks nice. I like that rock. What is that attached to the rock on the side. looks like an anemone???


well i guess im gona have to hurry up and add the shrimp, its hard having to wait. do you think i should add a heater? i felt the water the other day and it felt a bit cold


Do you have a thermometer so you know the temp of the water? I would get one before I added a heater. the tank is looking great


ok thanks for the advice and hopefully tomorrow i will be getting shrimp to put in the tank so the cycle can hrry up and start lol


Active Member
If you have any fish food, that would also work. Ghost feeding works as well as a shrimp.
do you have test kits? Start testing ammonia. Your live rock alone may be enough to kick off a cycle too.


im going to the LFS today so i can get me some fish food and i'll probably get me a test kit so i can start testing my water.


well i went to my LFS but they didnt have any ammonia test kits because they said they sold out but they did tell me to just bring in a sample of water next time and they will test my ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites for me so that'll be nice. it looks like i have a couple of aiptasia starting to grow, is there anyway i can get rid of them before they get bigger?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZmustang http:///t/385773/finnex-4-gallon/20#post_3423635
well i went to my LFS but they didnt have any ammonia test kits because they said they sold out but they did tell me to just bring in a sample of water next time and they will test my ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites for me so that'll be nice. it looks like i have a couple of aiptasia starting to grow, is there anyway i can get rid of them before they get bigger?
i would still order a test kit online somewhere like or
and for the aspista (sp) i would look into getting some Joes juice, i have used it in the past and seems to take care of them.. but dont delay, they can spread pretty fast


ok thanks for the advice i'll make sure to get some of that stuff and the LFS said they would get more test kits so when i go back the weekend i'll just get one that day


thank you for the links, im gona have to wait till friday before i can order one but at least i will have it by next week. do you have any suggestions as far as getting a stronger light so maybe i can keep different corals?