Finrot******Aquaman or someone ???????


New Member
My juvenile emporor angelfish fins are cracking and are a little cloudy. Please get back to me on how to help this!!!


IMO I'm using Maracyn-Two. Be sure to look at their chart inside and be sure what you are treating.


New Member
My angelfish had a little white piece of fungus or something on top of his body. He has always looked fine and always eaten good. Never a problem. One day one of his fins started to look cloudy and then started to eroded and crack. I treated tank for about 7 or 8 days with MelaFix and he helped but didn't cure it. I stopped using it and turned my protein skimmer back on and all it does is shoot bubbles. In the last couple days his other fin is doing the same thing and is actually worse than the other now. I'm doing a water change tonight but I need help. What do I do?????
This may be a dumb question, but are you using a UV sterilizer? and are you sure that the fish isn't being picked on by any other fish?
Only asking because I was reading an article that said sometimes people can confuse "fin rot" with what another livestock member has done, and that if there are no other inhabitants it could be due to a bad or malfunctioning UV sterilizer allowing disease to live.


New Member
I have a clown fish and a snowflake eel in the tank with the angelfish. I did a water change last night and his one of his fins looks horrible. It is starting to get a little red color to it. I just fed them and he ate like normal. He always eats tons of food, always hungry. He looks fine except for his fins and now he is getting a couple white or cloudy spots on his body but only a couple. This may sound stupid but, I don't know if I have a UV sterilizer which means I probably don't. Please help!!!!!!
What can you tell us about the fish? Like Terry asked before. scroll up and read her post again.
If you don't know what a uv sterilizer is then you don't have one.
Do you have a hospital tank set up?...if so put the fish in there for now. We can work with you but you need to give us a little more info.


New Member
I got this fish from this website about 2 to 3 months ago. It has been fine ever since. Like I said nothing showed signs of this happening. I don't have a hospital tank. If there is anything specifically you need to know, let me know. Please help!