fire and cleaner shrimp in a 24 gallon....


Active Member
yep both are cleaner species and should do fine. Fire shrimp tend to be a bit harder to keep than cleaners. Some people have good luck with them some dont. I had one for months with my cleaner and all of a sudden one day he just died. I still have my cleaner....

bang guy

As long as they are both about the same size they will be fine. I would actually suggest two of each of you can.
FYI - Fire Shrimp are a type of Cleaner Shrimp.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
As long as they are both about the same size they will be fine. I would actually suggest two of each of you can.
FYI - Fire Shrimp are a type of Cleaner Shrimp.
well i was just naming species yeah i might just get two cleaners....what makes fires so hard to take care of???


Active Member
I dont really know, I was just reading one day on here, this was a while ago. Some one was wondering why their Fire shrimp up and died. The responses that flooded the thread were similar. Some shrimp didnt take to acclimation properly others just died after a few months with no other casualties in their tank. Touchy invert I guess..

bang guy

Originally Posted by beenbag497
how are you supposed to acclimate them.....float theyre bag??or drip??
Drip, definately drip.


Active Member
This was asked by someone else earlier today on a different thread but a similar question. Could a peppermint shrimp in a Nano do well with a Cleaner or would the Cleaner harrass the peppy to death?


Active Member
I drip acclimated mine for 3 hours. It's been doing great for the last 6 months

The only downer is that they can be kind of shy in general during the day, so I never see mine unless its feeding time or I have my hand in the tank (in which case it flies to my hand to start cleaning it).


Active Member
You will definitely see Scarlet Cleaners more; Much, much more.
As for acclimation, when in doubt, drip acclimate. Inverts like shrimp are incredibly sensitive to salinity changes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
This was asked by someone else earlier today on a different thread but a similar question. Could a peppermint shrimp in a Nano do well with a Cleaner or would the Cleaner harrass the peppy to death?

I have both in a nano, there are no issues they get along just fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They get along fine
Someone needs to tell Bang that is no substitution for washing your hands...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Someone needs to tell Bang that is no substitution for washing your hands...
