Fire/Cleaner shrimp


I bought 2 fire and 2 clenare shrimp for my 28g with 2 clarkiis,an anenome and a brittle star. I was told by people here that the shrimp would be ok...
I wake up in the morning to see the antennae sticking out of the anenome.....
What is the deal...


I'm not sure, but I have two shrimp in my 29g with an anemone and they do fine together. The shrimp would often climb on the anemone and steal its food, before it could close up on it. And I know there are shrimp that live in anemones so its wierd to think your anemone would have eaten your shrimp. But what kind of anemone do you have?


I think this is somewhat rare, but not unheard of. (Also, are you sure it was the shrimp the anemone ate and not its molt?) My shrimp have frequently climbed on top of my anemone and it just closed up to protect itself. Only one time I saw it try to grab my shrimp's whiskers, but the pull wasn't strong enough and the shrimp got free.


Active Member
I believe the anemone may have gotton a hold of your shrimps molt. CHeck to see if your shrimp are in the rock.


I dont think so. i just put the shrimp in there. There are no remaning shrimp left and in the morning there was 2 sets of antennae sitting out of the anenome and one torso on the tentaces...


Often after molting shrimp are very reclusive (especially the fire shrimp), if you have many hiding spots or LR, do a solid check. Hope there there!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Robert Dri
how often will these shrimp molt?
If they are adults then about once a month. They will typically molt when highly stressed as well, during a transfer from store to your tank for example.
It is also possible that the Clarkii grabbed a shrimp and stuffed it into the Anemone but it's more likely that the Clarkii only grabbed a molt and stuffed it in the Anemone.