fire fish goby being picked on ;( and coral dying?


I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 wheelers watchman goby, a midas blenny, a flame angel and a firefish goby and a hammer coral. So first I woke up to see my firefish goby hiding which she never does, I noticed that his dorsal fin was a lot thinner and looked bitten. I put some melafix in for his fin to help it. He is out and about now but I don't know what to do and my midas blenny isn't very dominant and every time he goes near the firefish goby he runs away. Second, yesterday I woke up and my hammer coral was dying, there are two that are connected and today the bigger one has white stuff on it and the smaller peice looks absolutley gorgeous! I don't know what to do because we have the major blizzard and so I cant go anywhere.I did a 25% water change and checked my water everything perfect. PLEASE HELP!


there all in a biocube 29 and its funny because I added the firefish before the midas blenny AND rearranged the rocks when they were all in to mess up the whole territory thing.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390286/fire-fish-goby-being-picked-on-and-coral-dying#post_3455270
there all in a biocube 29 and its funny because I added the firefish before the midas blenny AND rearranged the rocks when they were all in to mess up the whole territory thing.
Moon lights will sometimes stop night time fin nipping. I never had a midas blenny, but firefish run into things because they are afraid of nothing, he might of just hurt himself if you have not seen the others chasing him.
I'm afraid for a 29g you are way overstocked. I think 3 fish is all that should be in there. If I understand correctly you have:

  • A firefish

  • Midas blenny

  • Dwarf angelfish

  • 2 clowns

  • watchman goby
    In my 90g, I have:
    Dwarf angelfish,
    2 perc clowns
    Lawnmower blenny
    Orchid dottyback
My fish are at the mature size except the angel, he is sort of new (within this year) My Lawnmower blenny is 6 inches long, I don't know how big a midas gets. A mature dwarf angel is around 4 to 5 inches. Mature clowns are 3 inches for a female, and the male is around 2.5. I can add another two fish in my tank.
You should never, ever...ever...ever, treat the display tank.
I don't know what to say about the coral.


I do have the moonlights on a night time and the wheelers watchman goby stay really small the midas blenny is full grown and about 3 or 4 inches and the firefish is about 3 inches all the others are still babies. I have no idea what to do about the coral because the smaller piece is thriving and the other one is dead.... and melafix is safe and all natural


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/390286/fire-fish-goby-being-picked-on-and-coral-dying#post_3455304
I do have the moonlights on a night time and the wheelers watchman goby stay really small the midas blenny is full grown and about 3 or 4 inches and the firefish is about 3 inches all the others are still babies. I have no idea what to do about the coral because the smaller piece is thriving and the other one is dead.... and melafix is safe and all natural
It's still too many fish my friend...sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. A 4 inch fish is not a little guy in a 29g tank. You are having aggression issues with non-aggressive fish....a sure sign of overcrowding.
No matter how natural or safe you don't dose a display thank. You remove the sick fish and treat it in a hospital tank. There are exceptions, such as ammonia binders and Red slime remover. It's kind of like giving an aspirin to every person in the household because you have a headache. If you have enough different family members getting headaches, and everytime you treat everyone else with an aspirin, eventually the aspirin will have no affect on anyone. It's just not a good practice to treat the display tank.


I don't have a QT tank so what do you think I should do and please don't say get one because i have no place to put it and I really can't spend anymore money right now. Do you think I should return the midas blenny? I don't know what to do..... AND PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME ON THE CORAL!


And I haven't seen anyone chase anybody.... they are all very peaceful and the midas blenny was actually with a firefish in the lfs and they were fine so I assumed he would be a good fit.


the flame angle kind of chases the firefish, she more followe it and then runs away when the firefish turns but the flame angel doesn't try to bite the firefish. Should I just remove the firefish?


PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I'm in a panic right now and I'm really scared! Will the dead coral affect my tank? What am i supposed to do with an overstocked livestock? my LFS said it was ok and clearly its not ok so please help! Iv'e spent a lot of money on this set up and I just want a beautiful colorful active tank! PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
Can you post some pics up? What are the parameters? How much melafix did you add?
Honestly, the tank is overstocked. I would remove the flame angel and either the midas or the watchman goby.


I already did post pics. I am not getting rid of the flameangel! I think Im going to get rid of the midas blenny.


You're asking for help and everyone so far is telling you your tank is overstocked which is causing the problem,, getting rid of 1 fish isnt going to make a drastic improvement like you want,,,,


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/390286/fire-fish-goby-being-picked-on-and-coral-dying#post_3455562
Well, I don't see them. Well if you don't want to get rid of the flame angel, I would get rid of more fish and just keep a max of 3 fish in the tank.
Yes this is exactly what you should do...3 fish max. Keep the angel, and two more fish....uncrowded they should get along. Firefish are easy to spook and they jump, so take him out since he already is a target...Me??? I would keep the angel and the two clowns. I know that combo can last a lifetime without aggression.
The dying coral unless it's realeasing slime into the tank won't hurt anything. You may have a coral nipper, sometimes angels will nip at LPS corals, so that's the one to first suspect. Watch your fish to see if you have a little nipper. A disappearing head while the rest remains is a sign the coral is being eaten..the white flesh is what is left after they take a bite out of it. Bad water conditions affect the entire coral, disease is usually brown slime on the base....that leaves an eater as the most likely reason for the corals demise.
I couldn't see your picture either.


I will get rid of the firefish and midas blenny the wheelers watchman goby is so small she wouldn't affect anything