fire fish hiding come out come out where ever you are..


I just purchaced 4 fire fish and I acclimated them slowly. I did this with the main lights off and just the house lights on. They were swimming around doing just great, but when I turned on the main light they freaked out darting all over the tank and then into hidding. It's been three days now and every once and a while one will show it self and then gone. My tank is very peacefull with two clowns three chromis and three fire shrimp is this normal for this type of fish and how do I get them to come out of hiding?


You don't do anything. When they get comfortable they will come out. They tend to hover near their cave so they can "dart" back in when scared hence the nickname dartfish.
Chromis are still part of the damsel family.


I added two firefish to my "friendly" tank about a year ago. They disappeared from the moment I put them in, and I didnt see them again for two months. I assumed they were dead and just stuck in the rocks somewhere.
Then one day they both came out of the rocks and are now some of the most interative fish I have. I think they are great, and a bargain compared some, less attractive species.
Just be patient with them.


Active Member
Yep ... they like the safety and comfort of thier caves and crevices. As they adjust to the new surroundings they'll be out more and more.