fire fish q


Active Member
ok i have one fire fish i had 2 but one dies and was wondering if it would be safe to add 2 more or mabe on and a purple one will 2 new ones get along with the existing on? and will a purple get a long with a normal firefish?
thanx in advance:joy: :yes: :jumping: :joy: :yes: :jumping:


Firefish do well with others of its own species. I have noticed that they like to schoal and hang out at various levels of the water column. A good reef fish overall, but beware, they like to jump.
Geez, you ever wonder why they don't use carpet in a de-hydrator??? Carpet, high, medium, low, shag, burbor...seems to have an amazing quality in de-hydrating marine species in a short amount of time. Not so bad, if you like fish jerky...:notsure:
Yes they do like to jump i picked one out of my overflow 12 times in a hours time till he finally learned not to jump. it was a pain in the a&& to get him out.


Active Member
no can i mix purple ones with red ones?
and yes the one i have now is very hardy he has never tried to jump i do have a hood though so hes not going any where