fire fish question


i have had a fire fish for over a month now awsome fish but in the last 3 days no sign of him at all! all tank specs are perfect and even did a water change today and mover some rocks around looking has anyone hide for days at a time! he dosent even come out for feedings or so you guys think he prob jumped! i've checked the floors and no fish unless my cat got to him first!


They will wedge into a hole and stay if stressed, but jumping out is my first thought. Or, depending on your overflow and filter system, it could have gotten in there and may still be there.
I lost a beautiful exquisite wrasse and I have a top on my tank.Thought it had jumped out, but when I cleaned, I found his skeleton on top of the filter floss in the sump. I felt horrible. Had i looked there right away, I could have saved him. So, if that is even a remote possibility, check there.


i checked everywhere possible! short of removing every rock! lol i'm hoping hes just hiding and my cat didnt get a late night snack!


We will hope with you. They are super cool fish and you dont see them very often.
I saw mine in a tank in a Portsmouth Va. store and had to have him.
That was about 16 or 17 years ago! So, you did check your overflow box and sump?


well after 4 days on no show i come home from work today and there he is chillin in his normal spot ! thank god! i'm a happy camper!

no the prob is that he dosent seem to be eating like he used to hes being very pick?


Active Member
he may be being bullied...thats what happened to my fires...the hide in a rock till one day i finally saw him in there and got him out, he was definitely starving as well and didn't eat well afterwords


Active Member
My Purple one is happy as a clam LOL, in my tank. He has done several times on me.
I would see him in a diferent location than his norm shortly before he vanishes . I have no clue as to why he does it and hides now and then.