Fire shrimp = Bad News Bears?


Active Member
Was lookin to pick up a fire shrimp for my nano.. going to be a nice little reef soon..
Was reading 'Marine Invertebrates' and it says that fire shrimp will pick at many different corals from polyps-lps-sps.
I used to have two fire shrimp years ago and they only seemed interesting in what I added (food wise) into the tank..
Anybody had any experience with them picking at coral?


Active Member
I had a fire shrimp once and never saw it pick at any coral. I also had him in with two skunks and they never messed with anything either.

bang guy

Some Fire Shrimp will eat Zoanthids. I've never heard of them eating SPS but it doesn't sound far fetched. If you keep them well fed they rarely eat corals.


Active Member
Interesting.. thanks..
I wonder if I should go for a skunk cleaner instead of fire shrimp for the nano then... since it'll house a lot of zoas.


Active Member
Seems like it would be safer. But I agree with Bang, a well fed shrimp should leave things alone.


Active Member
I've had a flame shrimp in my 24 nano for about 10 months, and I've never seen him eat anything but mysis and pellets. Even the few times I had some polyps die off in the tank he wouldn't eat the where the emerald crab would.
Mine has even taken up a symbiotic relationship with my lawnmower blenny.