Fire Shrimp Compatability -Video


Active Member
People often ask, "will my fire shrimp get along with another one?"
I can tell you, mine don't get along at all.
Check out this short video ...
The behavior in this video goes on whenever the larger one sees the smaller one. The large one pretty much has the run of the tank (he was first) and the small one is relegated to a corner under the leather coral.


Active Member
In my tank it was the opposite. My cleaner shrimp ate the fire...I'm still debating if I should get another fire shrimp or cleaner.


Active Member
If the shrimp has established its territory it could very easily pick on ANY shrimp you may add later.


Active Member
I had 2 fire shrimp and 1 cleaner before Katrina without problems. The point I was trying to make, probably unsuccessfully, was that results may vary.