firefighter let me see sum pics


it means that when they are not all greased up and flexing till their colon comes out their speedo (which guys do all the time as shown in the picture) they are probably making bigot and chauvenistic comments


they are probably making bigot and chauvenistic comments
That is why the picture is so mice -- we can enjoy looking at them without having to listen to them
Men .. cant live with them ... cant shoot them



Originally posted by NW2SLTFSH
That is why the picture is so mice -- we can enjoy looking at them without having to listen to them
Men .. cant live with them ... cant shoot them

Sounds like the mute button on my TV. Too bad I can't do that with the wife though....


Active Member

Originally posted by simm
HAHA well IMO most firefighters DONT look that. Majority of the ones over here are fat and old.

true true, i fit the fat description but not the old one:D


Maybe it is the uniform ... maybe it is a the Big Hose ... But I think ost women just find something about Firefighters appealing!
I know the station down the street from me has some fine young men there!