FIREFISH, bubble coral... could the coral kill him?


i found a dead firefish this morning... i checked my water and everything is great...
last week my larger firefish jumped and died...
this AM my other firefish was found dead??? any relation?
could my bubble coral have stung him? i was feeding last night and the firefish swam into the bubble coral to get a piece of food.. he jetted out of there and seemed fine...
he has seemed like himself the entire time, i had no warning signs at all...


you have a lawnmower blenny right?
in your other thread, i said that my LMB kept picking on my firefish. i think that's the problem :)
my LMB was a model citizen when i am watching the tank.. but i then i saw my firefish having wounds, highlighted by an off-coloration on its tail. One time i sneaked up on my tank, and saw my LMB biting the tail of my firefish. after a while, i found the firefish dead.
Just sharing. :)


oh.. lol. pardon my ignorance.
what about the royal gramma? they have same body shapes..
well, i just dont think firefish are dumb enough to let themselves get stung by corals. i also have a bubble coral but no casualties yet. :)


Active Member
which one of those two fish were put in first? I've heard that royal grammas have the reputation of becoming quite nasty once they've become established.