Firefish Goby pairing



I had 2 firefish but when I re-arranged my LR I think one of them got caught under some rock and didn't make it. Anwyas... I still have one and I was thinking about getting 2 more to make 3. My question is.... Is this a good idea? DO they liek to be in odd numbers? I have a 72 bowfront with 150# LR so there are plenty of swimming places


Active Member
Thats about only way to try to re-establish a pair. If they are opposite --- ( no way to tell ) then two might pair up and may harrasse the third, possibly to death.


what about just gettign 1 more.... THink there would be a problem with that?


Active Member
I had a red, got a larger purple later, he won't let the red one anywhere near him and my tank is a 150. He doesn't hurt him, but chases him to the back of the tank. I wouldn't do it if i had known they would act like this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Winstew
what about just gettign 1 more.... THink there would be a problem with that?
all depends on the --- of them. Same --- more than likly will fight....


and there is no way of telling ---, so back to square one..............


They usually dont mess with each other because they swim as a group i have about 10 and constantly add another with no problems. They are more of a group fish and swim together.


I had two firefish that were best buds for the last 4 or 5 months then all the sudden they starting fighting. One stayed in the rocks in a back corner and when he came out to eat the other took chunks out of him and chased him back to the corner. The other day they were chasing each other all over the tank, both had chunks of flesh missing, one has no tail. I (by pure luck) caught one and banished him to the QT. It was ugly and upsetting to watch these two fish try to kill each other. I don't understand it as they shared the same hole in the rock for months but I will not try to add another firefish!


Active Member
When they are juvies they will mix in groups and even share burrows together but when they become sexually mature then they establish dominance and will not tolerate the same ---. They are not a schooling species. They hang near their hole faceing the current waiting for food to come by...