Firefish Goby


I've went thru 2 firefish gobies already...I checked the salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels already and they seem to be fine. Anyone know what's going on??


Active Member
How long has the tank been up? Do you have good test kits and are they relatively new? Did you acclimate them properly and exactly what are the water parameters? :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Binhzino
I've went thru 2 firefish gobies already...I checked the salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels already and they seem to be fine. Anyone know what's going on??

Those are fairly hearty fish.. Do you have live rock for them to hide in? I have a mating pair and they have a den they built under the live rock wall formation. They love thier privacy. What other fish do you have in the tank with them?


It's been up for awhile now..i have this in my tank
clownfish, cardinal fish, 3 damsels, cleaner shrimp, lionfish, turbo snail, and emerald crab and 65lbs of liverock
salinity is at 30..specific gravity is a little under 1.022
the testing kit is called Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit


Active Member

Originally posted by Binhzino
It's been up for awhile now..i have this in my tank
clownfish, cardinal fish, 3 damsels, cleaner shrimp, lionfish, turbo snail, and emerald crab and 65lbs of liverock
salinity is at 30..specific gravity is a little under 1.022
the testing kit is called Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit

Make sure the damsels or the lionfish are not threating them. Those can be very aggressive fish. The rest looks fine.


well i know the firefish is dead somewhere, it was upside down and i was trying to get it with the net but i guess it was still alive a little and went to go hide somewhere in the liverock..should i bother looking for it and taking it out???