I just put in a Firefish Goby & a six line the six line is doing ok, kind getting picked on but not to bad. When I got up this morning the goby was nowhere to be found I thought she was dead. Late after noon I was walking but the tank & she was in a rock hidding. She will not come out now, she peeks once & awhile but Im afrade she was picked on & is now going to starve to death. Has anyone had this happen? I have 2 clowns , a coral beauty
lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp & a tang will this work how can I feed her? Whats there fav food? Any help is more than welcome as I may take it back & get another cleaner.
lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp & a tang will this work how can I feed her? Whats there fav food? Any help is more than welcome as I may take it back & get another cleaner.