Firefish Goby


I was thinking about adding a Firefish Goby to my 29g with my 2 percula and Royal Gramma. I read on this site that these fish prefer to be kept in pairs but I don't want to try to keep 5 fish in my small tank. Does anyone have a single Firefish and will it do well by itself? Or can you suggest a different fish to go with my mix?


I have a single. I have had him for about 10 months. I love him and he seems healthy. He likes to be the fish I look at. If I am looking somewhere else in the tank he comes right up to the glass between me and what I am looking at and swims back and forth. Or, maybe he's just a pig and wants more food.


Thanks, I am glad to hear that. One of my clowns is very friendly but my Royal Gramma is a little skittish. So if I can purchase just one and have it be healthy and happy, then I think I am going to get one. They seem like really neat little fish!


Some of the stuff I've read seems to imply that firefish will stay in an "established" pair, but they have an equal chance of fighting each other, too. A group of them would be better in the "ideal" situation, but I think lots of people keep singles. I had a beautiful one for over a year--but take my sad experience to heart--THEY JUMP!


Yes, they are jumpers, I lost my purple firefish when he jumped from the display and landed on my filter sponge in the back area of my Nanocube I had put in for a couple days after a cleaning. I've read they aren't the best to pair up unless already established or you have a largish system for them to get used to each other in.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i just got a single firefish for my 10g. today for $10.99, just couldn't resist the good price.. just got him out of acclimation about an hour ago, and he's hiding in a cave in my liverock, i'd like to tell you if it will work.. but i really don't know yet, and dpending on how big the gramma is, and how big the firefish is, it would probably work.. unless you have a 3 inch gramma, and buy a 1 inch firefish.. but most firefish are sold at around 2-3 inches.


i have 2 cinnamon clowns...and i just recently put in a fire fish 2 weeks ago...and now i noticed that the fire fish's tale is being not really sure if its the clowns or if its from going under rocks...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
i have 2 cinnamon clowns...and i just recently put in a fire fish 2 weeks ago...and now i noticed that the fire fish's tale is being not really sure if its the clowns or if its from going under rocks...
Most anything will pick on firefish (and pretty much every goby). They're pretty little fish, but incredible pushovers. They really need to be kept with incredibly docile tankmates.


I heard about ff and the rg maybe having problems but I have a royal gramma with my regular firefish and a purple firefish in my 75g. They are never near each other let alone having any problems. I have seen the gramma and one ff side by side eating at feeding time this weekend with no ill towards one another. Because of pvc structures, I have 4 major "caves" in my tank and this might be a contributing factor. The gramma has one, purple ff has one, yellow watchman and firefish have one, and my tang darts back and forth through the biggest one. You might try rearranging ur rockwork when u introduce the firefish. This way the gramma and firefish will have no territory yet. That worked on my last tank with two tangs and on my cichlid tank. Introduce both fish at the same time to a "new" tank and u should have no problems.