firefish goby


I picked up a firefish goby a few days ago. Wanted a pair but they only had one in stock (been looking for them for a while)
Anyway, it is doing well, found a cave under the LR to hide in. For the most part, comes out once in a while to swim when the green chromis and perc clowns aren't around the cave. Also comes out to grab food floating by.
I have been reading that they do well in pairs. If I introduce another in the tank down the road, will they get a along....perhaps swim around a bit more? I have heard that they may fight each other?
Any comments would help. Tks


Supposedly only a maited pair will not fight. I have a pair in my tank which I did not purchase as mated, but they have never fought and spend all day together and sleep in the same hole. But from what I have heard you cannot just add another one to the tank and hope they will get along. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on this.


better safe is a good way of putting it. But if you have a LFS that will take it back then you could try it and if they don't get along, get rid of one.
I added mine as a mated pair and they are a mated pair.
Wait? That didn't make sense.
What I meant to say was that I added two at the same time and they are a mated pair.


Mine were a mated pair too, sleep together swim together, I have noticed though the bigger one chases the smaller during feedings. Piggy.