Firefish hides a lot



I have had this firefish for 3 years. He likes to hide in the rocks. If I move the rocks around, it takes him a couple of days to find a new home. He comes out for about an hour when the lights come on. Then, he will come back out around 7 and that is when I feed the fish. I have a yellow tang and thought he was being bullied. But, I have seen him out with the tang, in the middle of the tank, when I rearranged the rocks. The tang does not seem to be nipping at him. Wondering if I got another firefish, would they be friendly and both stay out of the rocks? Or, would they be doing battle in my tank?


Active Member
They are real shy. Thats normal. Just make sure he eats. mine defines how much food goes into the tank. I like him to get 3-4 pellets.


Active Member
Having 2 made no difference to my FF at all. they both were out all the time the first few months i had them, then the more aggressive 1 of the 2 started hiding alot. The 1 who stayed out jumped out of the tank and the hider actually comes out more now that the other is gone
Guess he didn't want to be around him, and is more comfortable with him gone.


Originally Posted by WhiteMike
Thats just what they do. If he is starveing he will come out and let you know.
Oh, I am not worried about that. He does come out everyday to eat. He is cute when he gets his little belly! But, I would like to see him out more often. Just wondering if anybody currently has 2 in the tank. If they stay together or are on different sides of the tank. I have a 110 with plenty of rock.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Having 2 made no difference to my FF at all. they both were out all the time the first few months i had them, then the more aggressive 1 of the 2 started hiding alot. The 1 who stayed out jumped out of the tank and the hider actually comes out more now that the other is gone
Guess he didn't want to be around him, and is more comfortable with him gone.
Sorry for your lost.
I am really paranoid about him jumping out esp when I had to move the rocks out of the tank twice last year. He stayed in his rock when I moved it. Only problem, it was like a 15 pound rock!
But, I have glass tops on and clear plastic to cover the big spaces.


Originally Posted by Tiberius
Oh, I am not worried about that. He does come out everyday to eat. He is cute when he gets his little belly! But, I would like to see him out more often. Just wondering if anybody currently has 2 in the tank. If they stay together or are on different sides of the tank. I have a 110 with plenty of rock.
I have 6 in my tank. They are out all the time, and love to school.


Originally Posted by rusting
I have 6 in my tank. They are out all the time, and love to school.
Ok, I will see about getting 2 more and see how it goes.


Well I went and got 2 more and they love each other!! They are out now in a little group! I waited till my original got out and saw him go to the new one. They didn't do anything really. They have been out in their group for over an hour now! I am so excited!!!


Originally Posted by ninjamini
Let us know if they continue in the school. How about a picture.
Here are 3 of them. Can you find the LMB in pic 1? ***)



Heres a pic of mine...
theyre real shy... mine only comes out to eat... when he comes out i throw some flakes in there.. .he eats.. goes back into hiding..
hmmm ... maybe i shouldnt feed it right away?



Originally Posted by Jesses89
Heres a pic of mine...
theyre real shy... mine only comes out to eat... when he comes out i throw some flakes in there.. .he eats.. goes back into hiding..
hmmm ... maybe i shouldnt feed it right away?
Do what I did, get a couple more! That is if your tank can handle 2 more fish. I think mine was lonely. They are out hours and hours! :joy:


They like to hide for periods of time. Just their thing. Becareful they can tend to bicker amongst themselves. But if introduced at same time they tend to be ok together. At least from what I have seen. Plenty of hiding places is a good thing for them. Calmer tank mates is a plus. To much movement even if it does not affect them directly seems to make them hide more. And they watch outside the tank a bit. If you move too fast around the tank they bolt too. Don't exactly need to be real near it. Least the ones I have had/have do that.


Originally Posted by Bojik
They like to hide for periods of time. Just their thing. Becareful they can tend to bicker amongst themselves. But if introduced at same time they tend to be ok together. At least from what I have seen. Plenty of hiding places is a good thing for them. Calmer tank mates is a plus. To much movement even if it does not affect them directly seems to make them hide more. And they watch outside the tank a bit. If you move too fast around the tank they bolt too. Don't exactly need to be real near it. Least the ones I have had/have do that.
That is why I was worried when I introduced 2 more. I was wondering if mine would bully the 2 new ones. Or, if I bought a new bully and mine would never come out. I have had mine for 6 years now.


Originally Posted by Tiberius
That is why I was worried when I introduced 2 more. I was wondering if mine would bully the 2 new ones. Or, if I bought a new bully and mine would never come out. I have had mine for 6 years now.
6 years? didn't think they lived that long.