Firefish isnt active.


Had him four days now. He doesnt come out much just sits in his little cave thingy and just comes out at random tiems for a few mins then hides again. He also just sits on the bottom for a little bit at times. Is it normal for him to act like this? I was thinking they would be much more active :[.


I bought a firefish about a year ago that did the same thing. I almost never saw it, and my aquarium was only like 38G, so not very big. After about a week, I bought 4 more firefish cause they went on sale for like 5 bucks each, and when the entire group of 5 were together, they were FAR more active, including the orignal one I had.
So I would say get another one or 2 if you can afford the bioload (and you should be able to, they aren't very big or wastful fish).
It looks SO cool when you have a little school of them hanging around doing that little "clicking" thing with their dorsal fins that they do. You know what I mean? How they kinda lay down the spine, then shoot it back vertically real fast? Looks sweet when they're all doing it at diff. times.


Originally Posted by king_nothing_
I bought a firefish about a year ago that did the same thing. I almost never saw it, and my aquarium was only like 38G, so not very big. After about a week, I bought 4 more firefish cause they went on sale for like 5 bucks each, and when the entire group of 5 were together, they were FAR more active, including the orignal one I had.
So I would say get another one or 2 if you can afford the bioload (and you should be able to, they aren't very big or wastful fish).
It looks SO cool when you have a little school of them hanging around doing that little "clicking" thing with their dorsal fins that they do. You know what I mean? How they kinda lay down the spine, then shoot it back vertically real fast? Looks sweet when they're all doing it at diff. times.
+1 The same thing happened to me. They are stunning in pairs or groups!


like a normal 10 gallon tank or a biocube thingy?
if I were you, I would get like 3 more. have a group of 4 and NOTHING else in the aquarium. I think a 10 gallon could handle 4 fish as small as those, as long as you have plenty of circulation to keep things oxegynated (i think i just made that word up). I dunno....some people may disagree, but i think you can handle 4 with nothign else. Look at it this way: if you were using, like, run-of-the-mill pinfish or something you caught down at the dock, you could put 5-6 in there and have nothign bad happen more than likely as long as you were on top of your game and kept thigns under control. I think people drop the numbers slightly as a precaution. Now, if firefish were 40 bucks each, ide say yeah 2 maximum, but you can get em for 10 bucks easy. What have you got to lose? Chances are everythign will be ok.
but i dunno.....let someone more experienced than me tell you a more precise number.


Originally Posted by king_nothing_
like a normal 10 gallon tank or a biocube thingy?
if I were you, I would get like 3 more. have a group of 4 and NOTHING else in the aquarium. I think a 10 gallon could handle 4 fish as small as those, as long as you have plenty of circulation to keep things oxegynated (i think i just made that word up). I dunno....some people may disagree, but i think you can handle 4 with nothign else. Look at it this way: if you were using, like, run-of-the-mill pinfish or something you caught down at the dock, you could put 5-6 in there and have nothign bad happen more than likely as long as you were on top of your game and kept thigns under control. I think people drop the numbers slightly as a precaution. Now, if firefish were 40 bucks each, ide say yeah 2 maximum, but you can get em for 10 bucks easy. What have you got to lose? Chances are everythign will be ok.
but i dunno.....let someone more experienced than me tell you a more precise number.
i wish that was the case here in Canuckistan.
A fire fish up here cost form 30-56 bucks.... I want one for my 14 gal biocube.