Firefish question


I currently have a firefish in my 37g reef along with a clown goby and a small tomato clown. He does not get bullied by the clown but rarely comes out in view. He has a regular pattern of coming out from the roocks around 6:00pm - 7:00pm each night and goes back into hiding about 9:00pm about an hour before lights out. I have had him in the tank for over 8 months and his pattern has never changed. Is this normal or is he reclusive due to no companion. In other words would the addition of another firefish bring him out of hiding. Every other tank I see with firefish in it has the fish always out swimming freely in the tank and visible. Why is mine such a recluse. Any opinions?


Hondo I had one and it also hid most of the time unless there was food. I added 2 more to make a nice threesome and now all if not two are always out and about. believe they feel safer in a group.


They do appear to do better with a companion. Mine liked to hang out with my bar goby, sharing the same cave. Would disappear for weeks at a time, until I got him a friend.


well a friend it shall be then. It's no fun having a fish you never get to see. Hopefuly adding another firefish will do the trick.