

Got one today put him in the tank the proper way and all he was out swimming around all happy and acting like we wernt even there, then i left for a few hours and just got back. As soon as i walk in the room he shoots off under a rock and i havent seen him since. This is my first SW fish is it normal for these guys :p?


Yes, it is normal. I just bought 2 purple firefish and they are doing the same thing. As soon as they see my other fishes, they dart back to their "caves". I'm sure they just need to get use to their surroundings.


i think my tank is too hot. Its reading a little over 80. I got my heater set at about 77 but it wont go down. I was goign to try to put a fan on it to ool it down some but i can since i gotta have a top on my tank since apparentlly firefish will try to jump out. Any suggestions??


does your tank have a canopy or glass on top of it ? Is there air space between the lights and top of the tank ? Firefish will jump if spooked the right way, so its a chance, but its also a chance that your temp gets too high and you loose everything. you have options but more info is needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Skadwick
i think my tank is too hot. Its reading a little over 80. I got my heater set at about 77 but it wont go down. I was goign to try to put a fan on it to ool it down some but i can since i gotta have a top on my tank since apparentlly firefish will try to jump out. Any suggestions??
That temp can kill the Firefish, they are very skiddish about the temperature. I've killed a Purple Firefish last winter with a tank that was running 80-81.
Remove the top from your tank and put egg crate in place. That should keep the fish from jumping.


its just a crappy plastic top with the lights built into it. I dont have any thing living besides the fish in there right now so i took the top off and have a fan blowing on it. Im going to try to get something to place over the top other than the lid for now. My next challenge is getting him to leave his cave. He acme out for about a minuite earlier but i went to feed him and he went back in.